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Doctoral College Newsletter - 20 January 2025

Expressions of Interest: Presenters for Exeter Postgraduate Researcher Podcast

Have you ever thought about having your own podcast? What questions would you ask staff about topics relevant to postgraduate researchers?

We’re looking for postgraduate researchers who would like to gain some valuable presentation skills practice to be the voice of the PGR community through our new Exeter Researcher Podcast. This is your chance to ask any questions you have, explore topics you don’t know so much about or highlight information you think other PGRs would find useful.

We are looking for up to six postgraduate researchers to take part in the project, each of whom would undertake one interview on MS Teams with individual members of staff or a fellow PGR on a topic around support or develop of PGRs or their research. Episodes will be around 25-30 minutes. We’re happy to be flexible in terms of topic and questions to meet the interests of our presenters and our podcast audience.

This is a voluntary role but a great chance to develop skills vital to any career path, as well as an enjoyable new experience that will benefit both you and the PGR community.

If your submission goes forward to the next selection round, you will be able to show your presenting skills in a micro-episode with one of our Researcher Development and Research Culture team members, so we encourage you to submit expressions of interest, regardless of whether you have previous podcast/interviewing experience or not. 

Expressions of interest form will close at 12.00 (12 noon) on Monday 10 February 2025. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact

Welcome to the Doctoral College Induction Portal!

Our Doctoral College Induction Portal contains all the key information you need to know in your first few weeks in one easy place. Whether you are just beginning your course, or looking to refresh your knowledge, please check out this handy SharePoint resource that covers topics such as PGR Support, wellbeing, student voice, researcher development and peer mentoring, plus many more! You will also find the recording from the online induction held on Thursday 9 January in the Welcome to the University session.

Deadline Tuesday 21 January: Apply for a Funded Ticket to AIUK 2025 with IDSAI

The Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI) is offering a limited number of funded tickets for AIUK 2025 for those who identify as early career researchers (which can include PGRs), the UK’s national showcase of data science and artificial intelligence, hosted by The Alan Turing Institute. Application deadline is 4pm on Tuesday 21 January 2025.

The IDSAI apologise for the short notice. Please be aware that tickets are still subject to Turing's availability, as a fixed cut-off date has not yet been confirmed.

What’s included?
- Full event ticket (for either day 1 or 2 or both days – please specify in your expression of interest).
- Travel and subsistence expenses (in line with the University's expenses policy).
Requirements for selected attendees.
- Submit a brief report to IDSAI following the event.
- Prepare a blog post summarizing your experience for publication on IDSAI’s social media channels.

Assessment of Applications
Applications will be assessed by the IDSAI Management Team based on the alignment of your goals with IDSAI's objectives and your proposed plan for promoting IDSAI at the event.

Survey on Exeter Postgraduate Researcher Podcast

There is still time to fill out the quick feedback survey, which closes end of the day today (Monday 20 January) to give your thoughts on current Exeter Postgraduate Researcher Podcast and your ideas for our revamped Exeter Postgraduate Researcher Podcast.

You do not need to be aware of the current podcast in order to complete the survey- we welcome feedback from all PGRs and your thoughts and ideas will help shape the new direction of the podcast to truly make it student-led.

You can listen to Exeter Postgraduate Researcher Podcast on our website, PodBeanSpotify or Amazon Music.

PAFS Coffee Morning- Monday 27 January

Event: PAFS Coffee Morning
Date: Monday 27 January 2025
Time: 10.00-11.30
Venue: Sarah Turville Centre – Streatham Campus

This is a family friendly event, open to PGRs and their families, postdocs and mature students. All faculties/disciplines across all campuses are welcome.

Joining us is Visiting Academic Sandra Clare from the University of Manchester, who specialises in researching student-parent policies in higher education.

Refreshments are provided. No pre-registration required- just turn up on the day! If you have any queries, please contact Lyndsey Carmichael at

Calling All PGR Students: Join Our Paid Research Opportunities!

Are you a PGR student looking for exciting ways to share your experiences and earn some extra cash? We're inviting you to participate in paid research opportunities that help shape the future of the University of Exeter.

It's easy to get involved. Just sign up via the button below, and we'll reach out soon.

If you have any queries, please contact Callum Downes at

Join Decolonial Book Club

Are you interested in exploring perspectives that challenge colonial narratives and foster a deeper understanding of decolonial thought? Join Decolonial Book Club, a space dedicated to critical discussions, shared learning, and meaningful engagement with texts (books, films, podcasts, articles, conference presentations etc) that inspire decolonial scholarship and practice.

The book club is open to all PGR students who are eager to explore decolonial theories and practices. We'll be meeting once a month, on Wednesday at 16.00. Our next meeting is Wednesday 19 February 2025, at 16.00 and we'll be reading Chapter 5 (Heartbreak as Praxis) of Magical Habits by Monica Huerta. To learn more, please contact (that's me, Aileen, organiser of Decolonial Book Club 👋🏾).

How do you communicate your research/stay updated with your research area?

Guidance is currently being created to assist researchers at the university in effectively disseminating their research. We are interested in learning which platforms you use to stay updated, engage in discussions on current research in your field, and network with other academics. These may include blogging sites, social media platforms, email lists, etc. This information will help us support researchers in all departments by ensuring their research reaches the appropriate audiences.

Please contact Bethany Knight at, and let us know the networking or social media platforms you find beneficial and in which field of research/discipline.

PGR Parents: Experiences, Needs and Resources Event at University of Bath

Event: PGR Parents: Experiences, Needs and Resources

Date: Thursday 6 February 2025

Time: 10.00-14.00

Venue: Hybrid: 4 West 1.2, University of Bath and online via MS Teams


Following participation in a GW4 Connect programme, a group of PGR Parents from across the institutions have set up a hybrid event - PGR Parents: Experiences, Needs and Resources- which includes a talk, discussion panel and networking lunch.

It opens the conversation on the specific challenges that may be experienced by those undertaking postgraduate research alongside parental responsibilities. It also looks to share and celebrate interventions currently in place that offer support for these individuals.

This event is open to all with an interest in understanding and improving the accessibility to, and experience of, PGR study for parents, including university staff as well as current PGR students.

Deadline Extension: Entrepreneurial Futures SPF project: Poster Competition

The Entrepreneurial Futures SPF Project, featured in the 6 January 2025 edition of the Doctoral College newsletter, has extended its deadline. Submissions should be emailed in PDF format to by the new deadline of 5pm on Sunday 26 January 2025.

PGR Study Space

Join fellow PGRs in this online space, led by PGRs for PGRs to focus individually on whatever tasks you would like to work on. You can join the PGR Study Space Microsoft Teams Group here, or for further information, please contact Jo Sutherst.

The PGR Study Space core facilitated hours are:

Monday 10:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am-12:00pm
Friday 10:00am-12:00pm

There are unfacilitated sessions outside of these hours so you can fit it around your working patterns.

1-2-1 career appointments available

1-2-1 careers appointments with our dedicated PGR careers coach, Kenneth Howgill, are available to book on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Kenneth is a qualified and experienced career coach, lecturer and learning and development professional with over 20 years’ experience within the corporate sector, universities, further and adult education. He has held management roles in the public, corporate and not for profit sectors, leading professional development, coaching programmes, and recruiting graduates. Kenneth is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and holds a business degree, a master's in music and a professional career coaching qualification.

All appointments are 50 minutes long. Please contact if there are any technical difficulties.

Wellbeing Support and Sessions

Every Mind Matters
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. The NHS have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. See their website here.


Sprectrum.Life provides a confidential telephone, video, and live chat counselling service to help with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, bereavement and more. The Spectrum Life web portal offers wellbeing courses, mindfulness, healthy eating resources and online fitness classes to help you to stay well.

Wellbeing Centre
If you would like to speak to PGR Education Welfare Team for Welfare, they can be contacted at or tel: 01392 726207. Further wellbeing information, tools and support can be found on our wellbeing webpages.

Join the Penryn Campus Sea Shanty Choir!

Calling all seasoned sailors and landlubbers alike! Come and join our relaxed and friendly singing group for a weekly maritime singsong, guided by local musician and singer Charlotte Cripwell. Enjoy the mood-boosting effects of group singing while having fun and learning some traditional Cornish sea shanties.

When: Every Wednesday, 13:00-14:00

Where: Stella Turk Seminar room, Penryn Campus

Brought to you by the Cornwall Wellbeing Network.

If you have any queries or wish to receive a calendar invite, please contact Tasha Hammond.

Nurture-U: Are you feeling worried about your thesis or other PhD work?

The Nurture-U team are offering FREE resources and therapies to help with confidence and stress while doing your PhD.
We have:
1. An online toolkit, to help you track your mood over time and manage your busy lives
2. An innovative app to build confidence,
3. Online therapy, with a therapist or self-guided, and
4. A resilience workbook, with support from a therapist.
All these options have been proven to work, we’re just researching who responds best to what type of support. You can hopefully improve your wellbeing, earn shopping vouchers, and help other students in the future by contributing to research!

Any questions, please email You can also follow us on Instagram.

Free Mindfulness Sessions for Wellbeing

Mindfulness is a powerful practice of training our attention and an evidence-based way to tackle anxiety, stress and low mood. If you’re interested in exploring more, there is a variety of free internal options available for all colleagues.

Sessions from the internal Mood Disorders Centre mindfulness team include: an eight-week MBCT-L course (2hrs weekly), an eight-week ‘deeper mindfulness’ course for those who’ve completed the MBCT-L course and bespoke ‘healthy mind’ sessions for whole teams, which can be delivered in-person or online.

You may also be interested in trying mindful meditation in 30 min online sessions each Thursday lunchtime. This is a secular practice run by the Chaplaincy.


Details on how you can contact the PGR support team, either via email, telephone or face to face via our hubs (located on all campuses) is available on our contact us webpage.

Remember you can come along and meet the team or to ask any enquiries you might have at either of our helpdesk hubs below at any of our campuses:

The Streatham PGR Hub is open from 10.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Friday. The Streatham Hub is situated in the Old Library Ground Floor next to the Quiet Study Space and Bill Douglas Centre.

The St Luke’s PGR Hub is open from 10.00am – 3.00pm on a Monday and a Thursday. Students wishing to access the hub should go to the Info at St Luke’s desk and request PGR support, the PGR team will then be called to see you.

The Penryn PGR Support Office is open from 10.00am – 2.00pm Monday to Friday. It is based in the Postgraduate Suite in Daphne Du Maurier building 3 (next to the SU and opposite the Stannary).

For enquiries surrounding training and development, please contact the team on:

You can view previous versions of the newsletter here.

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