![]() ![]() Resource Consents Update – March 2024In this update we outline a few recent improvements and share some advice about our s223 and s224 certification processes.Applying for s223 and s224 certificationWe now have a shared mailbox to receive s223 and s224 applications. This will ensure that all requests can be promptly received and attended to, including if the original planner is away. Please send your requests to Subdivision.Certifications@ccc.govt.nz We also request that you email us at this address when applying for s223 certificates, outlining how the title plan meets the relevant conditions/compliance with the scheme plan. s223 applications should be submitted/signed by a licensed surveyor, and s224 applications by either a licensed surveyor or engineer. Easement requirements for water meters inside a propertyWhen water meters are required to be located within the property by Christchurch City Council's Infrastructure Design Standard (IDS) Part 7.11, they need to be protected by an easement in gross that is a right to convey water in favour of Christchurch City Council. This is mainly relevant to multi-unit developments. From now on, this requirement will be included as a condition of consent and requested at s223 stage. It will also be requested for existing consents without the condition but where an easement is applicable. Telecommunications and energy supply clearanceWe’ve changed the standard telecommunications and energy supply condition for greenfield development to clarify that as-builts and/or photos can be from the surveyor and are not required to be provided by the installing contractor. Minimum floor levelsThe standard Minimum Floor Levels condition generally imposed on greenfield developments has been updated to ensure that sites are fit for purpose, and the 2% (1 in 50-year) and 10% (1 in 10-year) annual exceedance probability flooding events are specifically addressed. For the 10% event, floodwaters need to be contained within the road. In some cases, assessment of a 0.5% (1 in 200-year) flooding return event is also required. The specific details for each subdivision will be included in the condition. This additional information is required to ensure that adjoining areas, and the function of natural floodplains, are not impacted by the development. The information will also assist the Floor Levels team to provide floor levels to prospective buyers. Road namingWe have a new Naming Policy to guide the naming of new roads and rights of way. The new policy sets out specific criteria for what names will and won't meet the policy. This will require an improvement in the quality of some of the names put forward. From now on, applications for names that do not suitably address the criteria of the policy will not be accepted for processing. We recommend that naming applications are submitted well before the s223 certificate is required, as it can take up to 10 weeks to obtain approval of names from the Community Board. This is because Community Board meetings are only held once a month and agenda items are required well in advance. Keep in touchIf you have any questions about your resource consent applications, please get in touch with us at CCCResourceconsentapplications@ccc.govt.nz For general enquiries, please email dutyplanner@ccc.govt.nz or call 941 8999. You received this email because you're subscribed to updates from Christchurch City Council. ![]() |