New, unconventional drugs are becoming popular in Nigeria. They’re designed by dealers and users to create a high - often replicating the effects of more traditional narcotics like cannabis, cocaine or ecstasy. The new drugs are sought after because they can be stronger or more affordable and because they’re not being controlled. Emeka Dumbili provides insights into what some of these new drugs are, and urges that more must be done so that they’re dealt with.

The number of people who are overweight and obese is on the rise worldwide – especially among women. Mweete D. Nglazi and John Ele-Ojo Ataguba unpack the trend in South Africa, where 60% of women of childbearing age are overweight or obese. This can lead to maternal and child health problems, such as infertility and miscarriage.

Moina Spooner

Assistant Editor

‘Gutter water’, ‘monkey tail’ and smoked faeces: new dangers on Nigeria’s drug scene

Emeka Dumbili, Nnamdi Azikiwe University

People in Nigeria are creating new drugs either because they can’t afford more traditional narcotics - because they’re not controlled - or because they’re strong.

Obesity is on the rise among South African women – a risk to maternal and child health

Mweete D. Nglazi, University of Cape Town; John Ele-Ojo Ataguba, University of Cape Town

Obesity leads to a number of maternal and child health problems.

From our international editions

Sex and power in the animal kingdom: seven animals that will make you reconsider what you think you know

Louise Gentle, Nottingham Trent University

Narwhals, hummingbirds and the Asian sheepshead wrasse have opened scientists’ eyes to the complexity of nature.


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