Black Canvas news  

Happy New Year to you!

Twenty Fourteen is well under way already, and there are lots of things happening at Black Canvas. We have come back safely from our Japanese holiday, all refreshed and ready to roll. A HUGE thank you to Claire + Lindsey who looked after you all while we were away.

We hope the year has started well for you and we look forward to catching up soon. Be sure to check out a few of the projects that we worked on at the end of last year! Big thanks to Indigo Web for their super website development skills and expertise :) 

Kristy + Anna

It's not all Black and White
  Wellcamp Airport

Wellcamp Airport Website

Earlier last year we were asked to work on the Wellcamp Airport logo & brand and most recently their website! Their online presence turned out beautifully with the use of bright colours and shapes from the logo. This site is also responsive (which simply means that it views super-nice on your mobile phone or tablet).

Take a sneak peak of the Wellcamp Website >>

  JP Smith Recruitment

JP Smith Recruitment gets a web-lift

Looking for an employee or searching for a job can be exhausting.  But with help from the team at JP Smith this can be a fun process. With a brief of ‘quirky and different’ this website is sure to make your search a breeze and may even draw a giggle or two.
Have a squiz at their web-lift  >>

  Caterpillar Classroom

Caterpillar Classroom

What a fun and cute project this has been! One of our very good clients AgBiTech asked us to create a logo and website for a new project they have recently launched - Caterpillar Classroom. This educational program aims to provide packs for schools to research and study all about the lifecycle of the Helicoverpa Caterpillar.

Have a look at the very cute branding and website for Caterpillar Classroom >>

  Peak2Park Toowoomba

Peak2Park is coming up!!

Peak2Park is on again very soon - the first Sunday in March! And again, we are sponsoring this great event. If you want to be involved, now is the time to enter!

Head to www.peak2park.org.au for info >>


Kristy + Anna's Japanese adventure

We are back from our trip to Japan! If you want to take a peep at some of our family snaps, head over to Facebook >>

black canvas

Kristy Fielder + Anna Heaton

p 4613 1010 e hello@blackcanvas.com.au w blackcanvas.com.au
studio 456 Ruthven Street Toowoomba post PO Box 3564 Village Fair Toowoomba Q 4350