Dear Members,
Another bargaining meeting was attended by officials and delegates of both Unions last Friday with TSA management.
The company has moved on a lot of things and both groups are much closer to a single set of conditions based on the Copied State Award. There have been some slight movements from the Union side such as 12hour 15min brokens (down from 13 originally) but this doesn't mean that brokens will use that extra 15 mins, more likely it will mean brokens at around 0-10 mins longer if anything.
In the next EA, if these negotiated items stay, we'll be looking at winding back these concessions. It may be that TfNSW will wind everything back to the Copied State Award levels no matter what has been negotiated, we'll have to wait and see.
We're now waiting for the government to come over the top and fix the things that the company won't, while we fine tune the rest. These are the big-ticket items like 5 weeks annual leave for all employees as well as 15 days sick leave (after 7 years of service). Costing for TfNSW to fund bringing all employees to the Copied State Award level is happening right now.
The first reporting window of the Bus Taskforce will recommend that the conditions of both regions 6 & 7 be lifted up to the standard of the Copied State Award if that hasn't happened by then. That window is mid-June and will give the govt the reason to fix things up if they don't do it sooner.