No images? Click here Kia ora PHC MECA Member, Negotiations were again held on 4, 5 and 7 April 2022. We did make progress on some issues - noting we are also still pursuing coverage of nurse practitioners, health care assistants / practice assistants (or similar roles) and an increase in sick leave accumulation. But at the end of these days the employers said their best wage offer was a 2.78 percent on current printed rates for all groups. This is the same as their capitation funding increase. They also said they cannot offer a Step 7 RN rate within their current funding. Over 80 percent of the PHC workforce are nurses with more than six years post registration experience. For them, this wage offer still leaves a pay parity gap (not pay equity) of around $6,000 per annum with DHB nurses. That's $114 per week. This wage offer falls well short of your wage claims and is a significant issue. It's clear that sustained funding is needed to settle this. The parties have jointly requested an urgent meeting with the Ministry of Health to take place no later than 27 April 2022 with a response required by close of Wednesday 13 April. We also referred to the agreement made in December 2020 to finally progress pay parity with an accord between employer representatives and DHBs starting in March 2021. That never happened and the parties have let the Ministry know we consider it a breach of good faith. Read the correspondence which has has been CCd to the Minister of Health. Finally, the DHB/NZNO/PSA Pay Equity settlement was presented to Members last Friday and is yet to be voted on. Though there are some issues around backpay, the proposed new pay rates were considerable and would widen the pay gap with primary health even further. As NZNO CE Paul Goulter said in a recent media release, we're committed to seeing those DHB rates extended to all sectors of nursing. We have scheduled negotiations again on 29 April and will keep you up to date with any developments. Take care and keep safe. Ngā mihi, Chris Wilson, Industrial Advisor PHC, on behalf of your negotiation team |