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What's On in Central Otago - June

Image; Angus Muir Design & Puck Murphy Auckland. Water Fun by New Zealand-based light artist Angus Muir. Presented at this years Luma Southern Light Project by Queenstown Top 10 Holiday Park. The Luma Southern Light Project opens today (friday the 1st) and runs for four days over the long weekend. LUMA is a free public event, showcasing a curated collection of stunning light sculptures and installations,
with a focus on transformation of space, public interaction, art, culture and education. Last year Luma attracted more than 35,000 visitors and is now hearlded as one of Queenstown's most popular celebrations. This year there will be around 30 installations created by artists and designers from throughout New Zealand. Visit www.luma.nz for more information and a full programme of associated film and performance activities. We were fortunate enough to host the
NZQA Top Art Folio exhibition at Alexandra Community House this week. Top Art is an annual exhibition of some of the visual arts portfolios, that gained Excellence at NCEA - Level 3. We love having these works in Alexandra and welcome the opportunity for educators, school aged children, and the general public to get a sense of what it takes to achieve excellence in art in New Zealand. Organisers of Bannockburns Across the Bridge have announced a new and exciting addition to their week- long spring celebrations. They have teamed up with The News Central Otago, to launch a poetry competition - open to both school aged children and
adults. Further details will be made available soon but if you enjoy writing, these chillier months could be well spent creating something to enter into this competition. The WoolOn team would like to share the following message... Save this date! WoolOn will be held on the 17th, 18th and 19th of August this year and is shaping up to be a fabulous weekend with something in store for everyone.
This iconic fashion event, celebrating wool artistry, is growing and this year promises plenty of unique catwalk action. There's new categories, new mini-events and strong entries from some of our favourite designers as well as exciting new talent. Look out for the announcement for tickets sales to open this month...in the meantime check us out online at www.woolon.co.nz. You can also follow WoolOn on instagram and facebook: Instagram.com/woolon_nz or facebook.com/wooloncreativefashionevent. Enjoy everything on in the arts in Central Otago in June and keep warm!
What's On