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Note from Pauline

The UK’s cost of living crisis has been driven by rapid price inflation in recent years. In some areas – energy but not food prices – inflation is easing as costs stabilise. But it’s also clear that inflation is not such a sticky problem in other countries like the US or in parts of Europe.

The Bank of England has already used its main tool — interest rate hikes — 12 times in a row to try to manage rising prices, so what else can be done to tackle the UK’s persistent inflation problem? As two academics from Bangor University explain, re-thinking the outsize role of the UK financial services sector could be a great place to start.

A complete overhaul is needed to address the racial disparity in medical care that puts black women at greater risk of maternal death in the UK. Find out more about what philosophers call epistemic injustice.

We also discuss the recent drone strikes on Moscow, which look set to boost Ukrainian morale ahead of another “painful military push”.

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Pauline McCallion

Senior Business Editor

Price rises are slowing but inflation remains persistent. Ink Drop/Shutterstock

Why UK inflation is so high compared to EU and US and what to do about it

Edward Thomas Jones, Bangor University; Yener Altunbas, Bangor University

UK inflation has been stubbornly high and interest rate hikes have not yet brought it in line with other advanced economies.

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