Over the holidays, a severe winter storm disrupted flights all across Canada and the United States, leaving travellers stranded. The storm exposed a lack of airline preparedness and a failure to put effective disruption management systems in place.

Today in The Conversation Canada, Frédéric Dimanche from Toronto Metropolitan University and Kelley A. McClinchey from Wilfrid Laurier University write about what went wrong over the holidays, and how it can be prevented in the future.

Dimanche and McClinchey argue that the airline chaos can largely be attributed to three main problems: labour, disruption management and communication. In order to prevent similar situations in the future, all three of these areas need to be properly addressed.

They write: “The federal government, airports and airlines have a joint responsibility to improve operations, manage the labour gap and address better customer protection.”

Also today:

All the best,

Eleni Vlahiotis

Assistant Editor, Business + Economy

Flight cancellations over the holidays left travellers stranded at airports across North America amid an intense winter storm. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

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La Conversation Canada

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Environment + Energy

