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Selected Upcoming EventsFebruary 28, 2023, 10:00 am - 11:00 am Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion EventsMarch 1, 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Spotlight On Our People: New Faculty Edition![]() Georgia GkioxariAssistant Professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences and Electrical Engineering Inspired by human vision, Georgia's work focuses on endowing machines with visual perception. Her work explores methods for learning from visual corpora to tackle challenging visual tasks such as object recognition, object tracking, and 3D understanding from images and Georgia obtained her PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley, and her diploma from the National Technical University of Athens in Greece. After earning her PhD, she was a research scientist at Meta AI. In 2021, she received the PAMI Young Researcher Award, which recognizes a young researcher for their distinguished research contribution to computer vision. She was named one of 30 influential women advancing AI in 2019 by ReWork and was nominated for the "Women in AI" Awards in 2020 by VentureBeat. Franca HoffmannAssistant Professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences Franca’s research interests lie at the interface of model-driven and data-driven approaches. She works on the development and application of mathematical tools for the analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs) and data analysis. Franca’s work on PDEs revolves around non-linear drift-diffusion equations, kinetic theory, many particle systems and their mean-field limits, gradient flows, entropy methods, optimal transport, functional inequalities, parabolic and hyperbolic scaling techniques, and hypocoercivity. In the area of data analysis, Franca is working on graph-based learning, and the development and analysis of optimization and sampling algorithms. Franca’s work explores what mathematical analysis can do for applications and what applications can do for mathematics. Franca obtained her master’s in mathematics from Imperial College London (UK) and holds a PhD from the Cambridge Centre for Analysis at University of Cambridge (UK). She held the position of von Kármán instructor at Caltech from 2017 to 2020, then joined University of Bonn (Germany) as Junior Professor and Quantum Leap Africa in Kigali, Rwanda (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences) as
AIMS-Carnegie Research Chair in Data Science, before arriving at Caltech as Assistant Professor. ![]() Smruthi KarthikeyanAssistant Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering Smruthi’s research interests lie at the interface of engineering, computational biology, and microbial ecology to mine the “microbial dark matter” which makes up ~99% of the microbial diversity on Earth, but which cannot be grown in the lab. They represent the largest reservoir of biodiversity on Earth and drive the life-sustaining biogeochemical cycles. Her overarching objectives are to develop integrated laboratory and computational approaches to provide a systems-level understanding of complex microbial communities and how these translate to biomarkers for environmental and human health. Smruthi obtained her PhD in in Environmental Engineering with a minor in Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Computational Biology from Georgia Tech in 2020. She was selected as a 2019 MIT Rising Star in Civil and Environmental Engineering and was chosen as one of ten “Rising Stars in Science” by Science News SN10 in 2022. Her research has been featured in 60 Minutes, TIME Magazine, Forbes, NBC Nightly News, Reuters, The New York Times, CNN, JAMA, Nature, and Science. We'd like to feature you!EAS News HighlightsStructure showing bilayer graphene (red and blue) with tungsten diselenide (blue-yellow hexagons) placed on top. When electronic wavefunctions are pushed closer into the top graphene layer (red), i.e., closer to the tungsten diselenide formation of copper pairs of electrons (red ellipse) is enhanced. Calls for Nomination & Funding OpportunitiesCaltech’s Office of Foundation Relations maintains an online database and email subscription service of primarily non-federal funding opportunities as a resource for the Caltech community. Opportunities include calls for proposals released by private foundations, public charities, associations, corporations, internal Caltech opportunities and federal limited opportunities. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Matter-to-Life Grant (Faculty)Sloan's new Matter-to-Life program aims to sharpen our scientific understanding of life by supporting curiosity-driven research falling within three focus areas: Building Life, Principles of Life, and Signs of Life. These areas define a broad scientific scope for understanding the physical principles and mechanisms governing living systems, while also highlighting an openness to exploring life broadly conceived by instantiating the distinctive functions of living systems in entities built using various matter platforms. The program will also support scientific meetings that promote information exchange, the development of collaborations, and self-organizing. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Total Award: $50,000 to $2,500,000 2023 Fulbright OpportunitiesThe Fulbright Program offers opportunities for students, scholars, educators, professionals, and higher education institutions. Fulbright programs are available for both U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens, and the deadline to submit applications varies depending on the program. Read the 2022 Fulbright Year In Review to learn more about the Fulbright Program and alumni, and visit the Fulbright Application website explore the most common programs. New Horizons DEI FundThe EAS Division is pleased to solicit small-scale proposals for new initiatives to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility efforts by members of the EAS division. Short proposals (1 page with a budget) can be submitted to on a rolling basis and will be reviewed by members of the EAS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. The committee is interested in new projects, such as seeding a new program that supports or impacts the EAS community or exploring a new outreach effort that engages EAS members in the local Pasadena community. RSI Ideation Grants ProgramThe RSI Ideation Grants program helps Caltech innovators further the development and real-world application of their climate-tech technologies. These ideation grants are geared towards faculty, students, and post-doctoral researchers developing technologies and creating new ventures addressing climate change. Grants range from $5,000 - $15,000, and cover both projects and companies. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis but funding is limited and candidates are encouraged to apply early. Learn more about the program and find application forms here. COVID Updates: Visit for the latest communications from the Institute.