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Recovery and Resilience Farm Business Resilience Program
Friday 19 April 2024

In this edition

Latest news

  • New soil health guide
  • EOI for on-farm demonstration opportunity – now open

Events, programs and workshops

  • The Unbreakable Farmer – free BBQ dinner and presentation: Goornong
  • Understanding your farm business and finances: Ararat, Colac, Hamilton workshops
  • Understanding your fodder feed tests workshop and dinner: Euroa
  • Gippsland Farm Business Resilience workshops: Bass Coast and East Gippsland
  • Agroforesty – the end game: harvesting and marketing your product
  • Run 4 Resilience: Bridgewater
  • Save the date: BestWool/BestLamb and BetterBeef conference and dinner
  • Save the Date: Hort Connections 2024 conference and trade show – Grow. Connect. Thrive.

Resources and programs

  • Webinar recording: Victoria's seasonal climate outlook and soil moisture update for autumn
  • After the Flood: stories of farmer recovery and resilience podcast season – full season now available
  • Farm Fitness Checklist
  • Nuffield 2025 Drought-Resilience Scholarships now open
  • Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub
  • Drought Resilience Self-Assessment Tool
  • My Climate View

Agriculture recovery support for farmers

  • Technical information and decision-making support
  • Emergency Recovery Victoria
  • Rural Financial Counselling Service
  • National Centre for Farmer Health
  • Health and personal wellbeing
  • Farm Business Resilience Program

Latest news
New soil health guide

A new resource will serve as a one-stop-shop for farmers and gardeners keen to understand and improve their soil health.

North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) and Agriculture Victoria have teamed up to create the region’s new Soil Health Guide.

The guide includes a physical and digital book, a step-by step website, and instructional videos on how to understand, test, and improve your soil. It looks at ground cover, biological activity, soil colour, pH, texture, topsoil, structure, compaction, and stability and discusses the valuable role played by existing soil carbon stores and how they offer great benefit to both agricultural productivity and the wider environment.

To find out more and access the free resources, visit the NCCMA website

This project is delivered by the North Central CMA and Agriculture Victoria, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

EOI for on-farm demonstration opportunity – now open

Is there a technology, innovation or research finding that your producer group is keen to test on-farm?

Agriculture Victoria, in partnership with Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), is conducting a new producer demonstration program with the opportunity to establish five new on-farm demonstration projects.

The program is inviting Expressions of Interest from Victorian sheep and beef producer groups to design and conduct their own three-year project.

Selected projects will focus on demonstrating systems or technologies in one of four priority areas:

  • Manage and adapt to a changing climate or specific regional conditions (e.g. addressing feed gaps, grazing system, enterprise mix)
  • Reduce emissions or emissions intensity, (e.g. reproductive efficiencies, feed types and quality, soil fertility management)
  • Manage animal health and welfare risks resulting from increasing/emerging biosecurity threats in a changing climate
  • Implement on-farm innovations that improve production and management efficiencies (e.g. recent research findings, genetics, ag tech).

Expressions of Interest close on Monday 13 May 2024.

More information and to receive an Expression of Interest form is available here or by contacting Project Leader Farming Systems Bindi Hunter on 0428 589 016 or by email.

Events, programs and workshops
Photo of Warren Davies standing in front of a corrugated fence. Text reads: The Unbreakable Farmer, free BBQ dinner and presentation

The Unbreakable Farmer – free BBQ dinner and presentation: Goornong

The City of Greater Bendigo, together with BlazeAid, invites flood-impacted farmers in the region to join us for a free BBQ dinner in Goornong. This event has been generously supported by the Victorian government.

The evening will offer an opportunity to thank BlazeAid volunteers who have supported farmers across the region and will conclude with a presentation by Warren Davies – the Unbreakable Farmer, focusing on resilience, wellbeing and leadership

Location: Goornong Memorial Soldiers Hall, Railway Place, Goornong

Date and time: Friday 26 April, 5 to 8.30 pm

Registrations are essential for catering purposes.

Register HERE

More information: email Flood Support

Understanding your farm business and finances: Ararat, Colac, Hamilton workshops

Beef and sheep producers are invited to a free farm business success workshop presented by Agriculture Victoria and Pinion Advisory.

Understanding finance can be overwhelming and this workshop will help farm businesses to have a better understanding of their financial position. The workshop will support farmers to build skills, knowledge, and confidence to manage their farm business finances.

The workshops will be co-delivered by Pinion Advisory’s Clinton Emslie and Esmée de Looff who have significant agricultural and agri-finance experience.

Workshop details


  • Location: Agriculture Victoria, 233-239 Barkly Street, Ararat
  • Date and time: Tuesday 30 April, 9.30 am to 3 pm


  • Location: Colac Bowls Club, 35 Moore Street, Colac
  • Date and time: Wednesday 1 May, 9.30 am to 3 pm


  • Location: Agriculture Victoria, Hamilton Centre, 915 Mount Napier Road, Hamilton
  • Date and time: Thursday 2 May, 9.30 am to 3 pm

Register HERE

More information: email Hannah Manning or call 0400 532 595.

Understanding your fodder feed tests workshop and dinner: Euroa

You're invited to this free event hosted by the Gecko Clan Landcare Network.

Guest speaker is Agriculture Victoria Livestock Industry Development Officer, Nick Linden.

Hear from Nick on how to interpret your feed tests and apply the information when purchasing hay or silage and use the information in feed budgets as discussed in the Feeding 'How to' videos.

Meet other landholders, fodder producers and ag service providers on the night and bring along your fodder feed tests for group discussion.

Location: Seven Creeks Hotel, 2 Tarcombe Street, Euroa

Date and time: Tuesday 30 April, 6.30 pm

Register by 24 April for catering purposes. 

Register HERE

More information: text or call Landcare Project Officer Damien Gerrans on 0475 621 294 or visit

This project received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.

Gippsland Farm Business Resilience workshops: Bass Coast and East Gippsland

The Farm Business Resilience Program is supporting farmers to develop the knowledge and skills they need to improve their farm business and be better equipped to manage the impacts of drought and a changing climate.

Agriculture Victoria, in partnership with the ION Group, is inviting farmers to join a free short course with specialists on the following topics:

  • Business planning and risk management
  • Farm finances and profitable decision making
  • Managing people on-farm, farm safety and wellbeing
  • Climate adaptation and natural resource improvement including soil, water, crops and pastures.

Workshop details

Bass Coast

  • Location: Wonthaggi – venue TBC
  • Dates and times: Monday 6 to Wednesday 8 May (Block 1) and Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 May (Block 2), 9.30 am to 2.30 pm
  • Register HERE

East Gippsland

  • Location: Bairnsdale or Lakes Entrance – TBC
  • Dates and times: Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 May (Block 1) and Monday 17 to Wednesday 19 June (Block 2)
  • Register HERE

More information: email Scott Botten or call 0499 412 423.

The Farm Business Resilience Program is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Victorian Government’s Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund.

Agroforesty: harvesting and marketing your product

The Bass Coast Landcare Network, supported by VicForests and Gippsland Agroforestry Network, are hosting this exciting field day on ‘Agroforestry, Harvesting and marketing your product’.

The field day will be visiting the Glen Alvie property of Jon and Margaret Hauser who have been growing and managing timber plantations of their property for 20 years, commencing in 2003. They have recently commenced harvesting and have invested in their own portable mill

Expert consultant, Clinton Tepper from Just Add Trees, will also be attending to talk about the original design methodology and what changes would be made at the planning stage if it was done today.

Location: Glen Alvie – address to be confirmed on registration

Date and time: Friday 3 May, 10 am for 10.30 am start.

Register by Friday 26 April by emailing Joel Geoghegan at Bass Coast Landcare.

This project is supported by VicForests in partnership with Bass Coast Landcare Network.

Crowd of children running; text reads: Run4Resilience@Bridgewater Vic Sunday 26 May 2024

Run 4 Resilience: Bridgewater 

Back for its third year the Bridgewater Run for Resilience offers several routes to run and walk, kids activities, food, coffee and live entertainment!

The Run for Resilience is for ALL fitness levels, encouraging everyone to have a go.

Bridgewater is one resilient community: the town and district was hit with the October 2022 floods and experienced great loss. We look forward to bringing a great community event to the district! The event will also provide the community with an opportunity to get together, have some fun and enjoy the community connection.

Location: Bridgewater Recreation Reserve

Date: Sunday 26 May

More information about run routes, distances and start times HERE.

Save the date: BestWool/BestLamb and BetterBeef conference and dinner

Plans are currently underway for the Agriculture Victoria BestWool/BestLamb and BetterBeef conference and dinner to be held in Ballarat this year. 

More details when available on the Agriculture Victoria events page.

Location: Ballarat

Dates: Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 June

Save the Date: Hort Connections 2024 conference and trade show – Grow. Connect. Thrive.

Join Agriculture Victoria at the Hort Connections conference in June. Program and registration details available HERE.

Location: Melbourne

Date: Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 June

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Resources and programs

Webinar recording: Victoria's seasonal climate outlook and soil moisture update for autumn

In this webinar recording, Seasonal Risk Agronomist Dale Grey provides an update on Victoria's climate outlook for autumn. Dale focuses on the current seasonal climate outlook and climate driver activity.

Dale Boyd provides a seasonal update of the cropping and soil moisture conditions as measured by the Agriculture Victoria moisture probe network. This includes a review of the distribution of summer rain and how the season is tracking compared to last year and other years in the monitoring period of the probes.

View the recording here and use the password: Climate

Duration: 63 minutes (including questions).

This webinar was originally presented on Wednesday 17 April.

After the Flood: stories of farmer recovery and resilience podcast season – full season now available

Agriculture Victoria’s podcast season ‘After the flood: stories of farmer recovery and resilience’ explores the recovery required after a natural disaster, the support provided and the resilience of Victorian famers, including how different industries are recovering.

All episodes are now available on the Agriculture Victoria website:

The season has been produced by Agriculture Victoria in partnership with the National Centre for Farmer Health #BuildingFarmSpirit program.

Featured episode: Active Farmers: Building strong bodies and stronger communities with Claire Harrison

Treat your body like you treat your tractor. That's what Claire Harrison tells the Active Farmers who come to her group fitness classes in rural Victoria. 

Your farm can’t run if your tractor breaks down, it’s the same with your body.

With floods and other stresses hitting farmers, hear how Claire’s classes have become more than just an opportunity to exercise.

Listen to Episode 7 of After the Flood HERE.

image of Claire Harrison against a green background with graphic elements: Text reads: Building strong bodies and stronger communities with Claire Harrison, Active Farmers

Farm Fitness Checklist

The Farm Fitness Checklist helps farmers assess where their business is at currently, and to identify areas and opportunities to strengthen their farm business.

It covers subjects including people management, skills and training, business planning and financial performance, emergency management, infrastructure, water supply, natural resource management, risk management, succession planning, off-farm activities and more.

Download the Farm Fitness Checklist from the Agriculture Victoria website.

Nuffield 2025 Drought-Resilience Scholarships now open

The Future Drought Fund and Nuffield Australia are partnering again in 2025 to offer up to 5 Aussie farmers overseas study scholarships in drought resilience.

Through a Nuffield Drought Resilience Scholarship, you’ll build your drought-resilience knowledge and grow your industry and community’s capacity to deal with dry times.

Each scholarship is valued at $40,000. If you work in a food or fibre industry and are aged between 28 and 45, apply now.

Applications close on 31 May 2024.

Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub

The Vic Hub represents a comprehensive approach to enhancing economic, environmental and social resilience to drought in order to create innovative and profitable sectors, sustainable and functioning landscapes, and resourceful and adaptable communities.

The Victorian hub is led by the University of Melbourne’s Dookie Campus in association with Deakin University, La Trobe University, Federation University, and Agriculture Victoria.

The hub is further supported by five regional nodes across Victoria: Birchip Cropping Group, Riverine Plains, Food & Fibre Gippsland, Southern Farming Systems and Mallee Regional Innovation Centre.

To keep up-to-date with the latest projects, scholarships and grants, and events subscribe to the Vic Hub newsletter

Drought Resilience Self-Assessment Tool

Farmers can use the Drought Resilience Self-Assessment Tool (DR.SAT) to further assess their farm business resilience.

The tool includes climate projections and farm business resilience resources to support farmers strengthen their farm business.

My Climate View

The My Climate View tool helps farmers understand the historical, seasonal and future climate at their location to help them make informed decisions for their farm business.

It provides farmers with historical data (1961-2021), seasonal forecasts (1-3 months) as well as future climate projections based on the 15 years before and after 2030, 2050 and 2070, for a given location.

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Agriculture recovery support for farmers

A range of support measures are available for farmers who have been impacted by natural disasters. Information about these measures can be found at For any urgent animal welfare needs, please contact 136 186.

Technical information and decision-making support

Agriculture Victoria is working with Victorian farmers and industry to prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters (including floods and storms) through delivery of technical information and decision-making support services to help farm business recovery including: 

  • Grazing, cropping and pasture management
  • Irrigation and horticulture system rehabilitation 
  • Soil erosion management  
  • Land management 
  • Animal health and nutrition  
  • Farm mapping and planning  
  • Water quality
  • Weed management.

Farmers are encouraged to contact the Agriculture Recovery team on 136 186 or email

Emergency Recovery Victoria

Recovery support is available for people affected by the:

To find out more, contact the Emergency Recovery Hotline on 1800 560 760 from 8 am to 7 pm, Monday to Friday, and 9 am to 5 pm on weekends, or visit the Emergency Recovery Victoria website.

Rural Financial Counselling Service
Man standing in a paddock looking across at the sunset; text reads: Free financial counselling with the Rural Financial Counselling Service

Have you been impacted by recent floods, fires or dry seasonal conditions?

The Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) provides a free and confidential financial counselling service to eligible farmers and small related enterprises who are experiencing, or at risk of, financial hardship.

They can help you to access available support, analyse your business situation, negotiate with lenders and develop strategies to improve your financial position.

Find your closest service here or call 1300 771 741.

National Centre for Farmer Health

The National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) is committed to supporting primary producers whose properties, livestock or crops were damaged or lost in the floods and storms. There are a number of resources available on the NCFH website to support farmer health, wellbeing and safety.

Managing stress on the farm

Click to read or download this Managing Stress on the Farm book from the National Centre for Farmer Health website. You can also request free hard copies from the website.

Health and personal wellbeing

It is normal to have strong reactions following a distressing or frightening event and people can experience a range of physical, mental, emotional and behavioural reactions.

There are a number of support services available (listed below) to assist you and your family recover from the strong emotional or physical reactions you may be experiencing.

Are you concerned about your own mental health? Reach out to Lifeline for a safe place to talk on 13 11 14.

Other available support includes:

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Farm Business Resilience Program

The Farm Business Resilience (FBR) Program is supporting farmers to develop knowledge and skills to improve their farm business and manage the impacts of a changing climate.

The program supports farmers to improve skills and management practices around 4 key areas:

  • Business planning and risk management
  • Farm finances and profitable decision making
  • Managing people on farm, farm safety and wellbeing
  • Climate adaptation and natural resource management including soil, water, crops and pastures.

The FBR Program has supported farmers in developing 547 farm business plans and engaged 1542 farmers in intensive training activities.

More information about the FBR program is available at or the Our Farm, Our Plan web page for information about the dairy program.

Information about upcoming FBR events is regularly posted on the Agriculture Victoria website.

The Farm Business Resilience Program is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Victorian Government’s Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund.

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