No images? Click here No glowThis Fox Tan ad shown on TikTok features a woman running in swimwear with the caption "The sun is out and the UV is high let's go tan" and "I've got the Fox Tan accelerators". The Community Panel found the ad to be targeted at younger people and deemed it to be especially dangerous given Australia’s high skin cancer rates. The ad breached Section 2.6 (Health and Safety) of the Code of Ethics. Upheld - AANA Code of Ethics (Health and safety) Risqué drive-byA mobile billboard ad for the Kittens adult venue, showing three women in various states of undress, raised concerns about the level of sexualised content. The Community Panel found that the ad was inappropriate for a broad audience that would likely include children and was in breach of Section 2.4 (Sex, sexuality and nudity) of the Code of Ethics. Upheld - AANA Code of Ethics (Sex, sexuality and nudity) Sexual healthThis TV on demand ad promoting STI testing shows a couple in bed, a man getting a condom and a couple at a clinic for an STI test. The ad encourages viewers to make STI testing a part of their pre-sex routine. Complainants were concerned that the ad was inappropriate to be shown on TV when children may be watching. The Community Panel found that in the context of a community awareness campaign these issues were treated appropriately and the complaints were dismissed. Dismissed - AANA Code of Ethics (Sex, sexuality and nudity) Hungry for more? Check out these recently published decisions
Find all the latest decisions at the laughter code It’s no secret that Aussies love a good joke, but when it comes to advertising there’s a fine line between humour and offence. Our latest article will take you through our research about where the community draws the line, along with some examples. Children’s Advertising Code The new AANA Children’s Advertising Code has been in place for three months now. It applies to all advertising directed at children, not just advertising of children’s products. Have you familiarised yourself with the changes? |