I recently listened to an audiobook on the roots of America’s opiod crisis, and role of one family in it. Do check out Empire of Pain, by Patrick Radden Keefe, which you can hear in an abbreviated format here. Unsurprisingly then, I was drawn to this article, by a team of physicians who work with and study the use of opioids in surgical settings, which warns of a backlash that could itself now lead to safety risks for patients. For some are instructing medics that they do not want to be treated with opiods at all during surgery.

And a new Picasso exhibition has kicked off in Melbourne which challenges a common “lone genius” narrative of the artist, and instead highlights the creative force unleashed by collaborations he engaged in. Sasha Grishin of the Australian National University has had a look, and he’s pretty impressed. I may even pop in myself later this week, as I'm in the fair city to meet with colleagues from across The Conversation network. We'll be discussing developing the content we bring you in emails such as these, with a particular focus on podcasts, news analysis and research-derived exclusives. We are, of course, always keen to hear your thoughts on the work we do, so, if you have ideas, don't hesitate to share them

Stephen Khan

Executive Editor, The Conversation International

Opioids can help reduce the amount of medication needed to achieve anesthesia. gpointstudio/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Why opting out of opioids can be dangerous in the operating room

Mark C. Bicket, University of Michigan; Jennifer Waljee, University of Michigan; Paul Edward Hilliard, University of Michigan

Non-opioid directives allow patients to refuse opioids in all health care settings. For surgical procedures that require anesthesia, however, this may do more harm than good.

Pablo Picasso was not a lone genius creator – he was at the centre of several creative hubs, and changed the course of western art

Sasha Grishin, Australian National University

The Picasso Century at the National Gallery of Victoria is a remarkable exhibition that may change the way you will view Picasso.

Nine vegetables that are healthier for you when cooked

Laura Brown, Teesside University

Heat can release bound up nutrients from vegetables.