No images? Click here ![]() December 2023 ![]() Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to All!Diane Braza, MD. Chair, Professor, Department of PhysicalMedicine and Rehabilitation
![]() ![]() Welcome Mitch O'Neill, MD to our Pediatrics Team!![]() Mitchell O’Neill, MD is originally from the suburbs of Chicago and is excited to be returning to the Midwest to begin his pediatric rehabilitation medical practice. He recently completed a Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. His previous medical training included a Transitional Year Residency, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency, and Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship at Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center in Michigan. He earned his undergraduate degree from Bowdoin College in Maine and his medical degree from Caribbean Medical University in Curaçao. Between college and medical school, he worked as an Adaptive Skiing Instructor in Colorado and a Wilderness Therapy Field Instructor in Utah. His primary clinical interests include spasticity management, neurorehabilitation, and specialized equipment guidance in the pediatric population. Outside of work, he enjoys skiing, sailing, and hockey as well as spending time with his wife and 19-month-old son. ![]() AAPM&R Annual Assembly Alumni Reception in New Orleans![]() The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Medical College of Wisconsin and the Marquette Medical Alumni Association hosted an appetizer reception during the 2023 AAPM&R Annual Assembly in New Orleans, LA. This took place Thursday evening on November 16th at the Britquette Restaurant. It was a great opportunity for colleagues and friends to catch up after the conference. ![]() Dr. Mary Elizabeth Nelson-Biersach will be presenting twice during MCW Global Health Week 2023. The first will be on Friday December 1st from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. She will be presenting at a PM&R Grand Rounds by Zoom. The title of her presentation is " Strengthening Rehabilitation Globally". You can find the Zoom link to this presentation here. Her second presentation will be a Global Health Pathway Core Session titled " Global Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation". This presentation will be held in the Discovery Classroom, MEB, 3rd floor, Room 3750. Congratulations Dr. Nelson-Biersach! ![]() Former Faculty Earns Award at the AANEM Conference![]() ![]() While attending the 2023 ANNEM confernce in Phoenix Arizona Dr. Sayko took a photo of former MCW PM&R faculty Monika Krzesniak-Swinarska, MD accepting the 2023 Ernest Johnson Outstanding Educator Award! Her talents flourished after finishing neuromuscular fellowship after she left MCW faculty position. She became a board certified internationally known neuromuscular ultrasound specialist and was invited to teach coursed in South Korea, Hong Kong and recently Brazil. ![]() New Updates in ResearchNew staff member:![]() Gabriel Merkow has joined the Durand lab as a Clinical Research Coordinator I. Gabe will be working on Dr. Durand’s new R01 “Blood Flow Regulation and Neuromuscular Function Post-Stroke”. A few words from Gabe to introduce himself:
Please welcome Gabe to the PM&R Research Team! Research Presence at the ACRM ConferncePM&R had a strong showing at ACRM this year with 5 accepted posters and one symposium presentation! Congratulations to everyone who was accepted to present their research at this conference, and a special congratulation to Dr. Anderson, who’s poster won an award for Best Student/Resident/Fellow Poster in Health Services Research! Symposium: “Sensors and Remote Monitoring in Clinical Care: A Glimpse at the Possibilities” Posters: Dr. John McGuire – “Idle-Time Exercise: Promoting More-Involved arm use in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting After Stroke” ![]() ![]() Research Coordinator II Sarah Golus- “Wearable Technology to Increase Activity During Idle-Time Post-Stroke: Feasibility in an Inpatient and At-Home Settings” Dr. Hans Anderson – “Using Machine Learning to Predict Discharge Destination from Inpatient Rehabilitation” ![]() ![]() Kim Bassindale, PT, DPT – “Wearable Technology to Increase Activity During Idle-Time Post-Stroke: User Experience While Inpatient and At-Home” Dr. Karin Goodfriend – “Dynamic Plantar Pressure Patterns in Children with CP Related Foot Deformities” ![]() ![]() PM&R Philanthropy CasePlease contact Meg Bilicki, Senior Director of Development or Dr. Braza for more information. To support Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation click on this link! ![]() Downtime Photos in Atlanta from the ACRM Conference![]() Meghann Sytsma, Kim Bassindale and Sarah Golus enjoying witches hats in spirit of Halloween weekend from a local Italian restaurant in Atlanta. ![]() Dr. McGuire, Sarah Golus, and Kim Bassindale riding the pandas in the ATL Zoo Carousel. ![]() ![]() Another photo from the ATL Zoo with Dr. McGuire, Sarah Golus and Kim Bassindale high fiving for conservation! ![]() Photo of an adorable Panda sunning at the ATL Zoo. ![]() Dr. Lee Visits Elementary School during Veterans Day![]() Dr. Kenneth Lee visited Jefferson Elementary School to give a presentation to the students on Veterans Day. The children had a chance to learn about the meaning and history behind 'Veterans Day' and got to try out different equipment he brought. ![]() Department Mascot's Outfit for the Month of DecemberFor the month of December department mascot 'Randy the Rhino' shares a photo from last winter of a snowman he built doing a cozy winter walk. ![]() The answer to the riddle below will be provided in next month's newsletter. This riddle is courtesy of Alan Young, Clinical Research Coordinator:
![]() Answer to last month's riddle: "Take 6 of the 8 pills, 3 on each side. If they're even, with your second weigh in, weigh the remaining two, the heavier is the poison. If one side weighs more, pick two of those three. If one is heavy that's it, if those are even, it's the third of the group." ![]() Monthly Wellness Feature: Top 10 Essential Health FoodsA healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet. 1. Water Drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily. 2. Dark Green Vegetables Eat dark green vegetables at least three to four times a week. Good options include broccoli, peppers, brussel sprouts and leafy greens like kale and spinach. 3. Whole Grains Eat whole grains sat least two or three times daily. Look for whole wheat flour, rye, oatmeal, barley, amaranth, quinoa or a multigrain. A good source of fiber has 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving. A great source has 5 or more grams of fiber per serving. 4. Beans and Lentils Try to eat a bean-based meal at least once a week. Try to add legumes, including beans and lentils, to soups, stews, casseroles, salads and dips or eat them plain. 5. Fish Try to eat two to three serving of fish a week. A serving consists of 3 to 4 ounces of cooked fish. Good choices are salmon, trout, herring, bluefish, sardines and tuna. 6. Berries Include two to four servings of fruit in your diet each day. Try to eat berries such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries. 7. Winter Squash Eat butternut and acorn squash as well as other richly pigmented dark orange and green colored vegetables like sweet potato, cantaloupe and mango. 8. Soy 25 grams of soy protein a day is recommended as part of a low-fat diet to help lower cholesterol levels. Try tofu, soy milk, edamame soybeans, tempeh and texturized vegetable protein (TVP). 9. Flaxseed, Nuts and Seeds Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed or other seeds to food each day or include a moderate amount of nuts – 1/4 cup – in your daily diet. 10. Organic Yogurt For more information on healthy eating habits click here. ![]() Healthy Recipie of the Month - Mediterranean Chickpea Salad![]() INGREDIENTS FOR THE SALAD
Directions:Step1 Make salad: In a large bowl, toss together chickpeas, cucumber, olives, and feta. Season with salt and pepper.Step 2 Make vinaigrette: In a jar fitted with a lid, combine olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, parsley, and red pepper flakes. Close the jar and shake until emulsified, then season with salt and pepper. Step 3 Dress salad with vinaigrette just before serving. Recipe submitted by department Administration Assistant Sr. Rhiannon Shewczyk *If you would like to share your own healthy recipe in next month's newsletter please email department Administrative Assistant Sr. Rhiannon Shewczyk at ![]() December is HIV/AIDS Awareness MonthDecember serves as a reminder of the global struggle to end HIV-related stigma, an opportunity to honor those we have lost, and a rallying cry to committing to working toward a day when HIV is no longer a public health threat. The first World AIDS Day took place in 1988, providing a platform to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and honor the lives affected by the epidemic. This year marks the 35th commemoration of this important day. Over the past 35 years, there has been significant progress in addressing HIV/AIDS thanks to advancements in medical research, increased access to treatment and prevention, and a broader understanding of the virus. ![]() Other December Celebrations:
COVID-19 UpdatesBoth Froedtert and MCW employees with an approved COVID-19 vaccination exemption are no longer required to wear masks at Froedtert & MCW facilities except when and where masks are required for all. To remain consistent within all adult clinical spaces, MCW clinics will follow this same guidance. Masks have not been required for unvaccinated individuals in MCW non-clinical spaces since October 2022. The COVID-19 vaccine requirement was discontinued for employees effective on June 13, due to recent guidance from the CDC and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters will continue to be strongly recommended, but not required as a condition of employment with MCW. Vaccination will continue to be required for students and learners who participate in clinical care due to many healthcare partners who have not yet lifted their COVID-19 vaccine requirement. This requirement is being actively re-evaluated as a high priority, and we will provide follow-up information as soon as feasible. Individuals who work in partner healthcare facilities that require vaccination must also continue to follow the guidance and requirements of those facilities. For additional information visit the COVID-19 page on infoscope. Medical College of Wisconsin | 8701 Watertown Plank Road | Milwaukee, WI 53226 Connect to MCW on Social |