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Message from the Chairman

Spring is here and although the weather is beginning to improve many of you will be faced with land too wet to cultivate.

Horizons recognise the challenges you may face with the combined effects of the June flood event and an uncertain dairy payout and we’re committed to working with you through this period. If you need any advice on Horizons related matters, please give the Dairy Team a call on 0508 800 800.

Along with Horizons there are a number of groups and organisations committed to helping farmers through this period. The Rural Support Trust encourages farmers, their families and farming communities to support each other. For free and confidential assistance call 0800 RURAL HELP (0800 787 254) to speak to your local coordinator or visit

This edition of Dairy e-News includes information regarding the changes to this year’s dairy inspection season, currently being undertaken; nutrient management and the Overseer update-6.2; flowmeter installations and verifications; and the introduction of our new Consents Monitoring Officer Helene Low.

As always we appreciate any feedback or ideas that you can send our way. If you know of a friend or neighbour that you would like to be referred to this e-newsletter then please click here.

Bruce Gordon, Chairman


Flow meter installation & verification

With the irrigation season just around the corner and generally an increase in water use during the milking season it is time to turn your attention to your water take. In your consent there may be conditions relating to the installation of a flowmeter and the verification of your flowmeter on your water take. 

If you have installed your flowmeter since our last visit, but have not yet contacted us, please contact the Dairy Team on 0508 800 800 to update the status of your consent. 

If your consent requires the installation of a flowmeter please arrange this to be installed by a blue tick verified installation company as soon as possible. If this is not possible please call our Dairy Team urgently to discuss the matter.


Tips & Tricks

Be smart

Find the driest paddocks to irrigate on during the wet times and avoiding irrigating when the soil profile is saturated.

Be conservative

Minimise water usage during this time and the amount of effluent that you have to store and irrigate.

Be responsible

Check the condition of your irrigator – tyres, wearing on nozzles, wire rope, gears greased, leaks and seals, and ensure maintenance is regularly undertaken.


Current Compliance Stats

This monitoring season:

Dairy shed inspections are underway and although the sun is starting to shine, it’s still wet and cold out there. Please be mindful of irrigator locations, the length of runs and manage pond levels so that no overflows occur. This year we will have introduced some changes to the way the programme is run as we refine the consent monitoring program...


Last year's monitoring season:

The Dairy Team visited 819 operative sheds over the monitoring season and were really pleased to see the amount of improvements farmers have made to their effluent systems since the last inspection. The Dairy Team noticed that a lot of the advice they had given out during the previous season had been followed through. There were a lot of new upgrades, low rate irrigators and low pond levels, which was great to see...