We are proud to share with you a new series of short films.
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The Struggling with Peace film series explores the key issues that emerged from the special symposium we held earlier this year:
understanding realities of occupation
taking action in meaningful ways
exploring critiques of dialogue, and
forming equitable partnerships in peace work
We suggest beginning with the film that captures one Palestinian peace builder's experience. In Struggling with Peace: One man's story, Sulaiman Khatib tells of how the separation wall encroached on his family’s land, challenging his convictions about peace building between Palestinians and Israelis.
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Struggling with Peace: One man's story

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As a complement to the films, check out the first two instalments in our special blog series, exploring these issues:
Like the symposium these films are are designed not to 'resolve' or prescribe solutions to these issues, but rather, to start or reignite thoughtful conversations about them. We hope these films explore these topics in creative and accessible ways, and serve as an entry-point for dialogue for organizations like ours, who aim to offer programs that are meaningful, impactful, ethical and worthwhile.