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Barwon South-West Ag news
Thursday 24 October 2024
In this edition:
Drought drop-in sessions coming up
south west drought support drop-in sessions

Drop-in sessions are being held in 6 locations across south west Victoria to provide information on the Drought Support Package, including the On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants and other available supports.

Find out more about the Drought Support Program by coming along to one of the drop-in sessions.

Rural Financial Counselling Service staff will be on-hand to help with grant applications and Agriculture Victoria staff will be available to discuss technical decision-making such as on-farm water planning and feed budgeting.

  • Inverleigh – 24 October, 12:30 – 2 pm, Inverleigh Bowls Club, 20 Railway Street
  • Lake Bolac – 25 October, 12:30 – 2 pm, Lake Bolac Sporting and Recreation Complex
  • Coleraine – 28 October, 12:30 – 2 pm, Coleraine CFA, 53 Read Street
  • Simpson – 29 October, 11 am – 1:30 pm, Simpson Recreation Reserve, Lavers Hill-Cobden Rd
  • Koroit – 30 October, 11 am – 1:30 pm, Koroit Football Club Rooms, Garden Street
  • Heywood – 31 October, 11 am – 1:30 pm, Heywood Recreation Reserve, 2402 Princes Hwy.

Please note: the Inverleigh, Lake Bolac and Coleraine drop-in sessions are being held in conjunction with 'Dry seasonal conditions planning’ workshops.

These workshops are being held of the morning on the same day, before the drop-in sessions.

All 3 workshops start at 9:30 am at the locations listed above. 

Find out more on the Agriculture Victoria events page.

On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program open

South west Victorian farmers impacted by the current drought conditions can now apply for on-farm grants to help manage and withstand current seasonal conditions and prepare their businesses for the future.

Minister for Agriculture Ros Spence recently announced the opening of the On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program that will provide financial assistance to farmers managing current drought conditions and build farm business preparedness and resilience for the future.

Eligible farmers can apply for co-contribution grants of up to $5,000 for on-farm improvements including water infrastructure upgrades, stock containment areas, grain and fodder storage and drought management tools.

The $12.1 million grants program is open to farmers in Local Government Areas in the south west that have been most severely impacted by ongoing drought conditions.

These Local Government Areas include Glenelg, Southern Grampians, Warrnambool, Moyne, Corangamite, Colac Otway, Surf Coast, Ararat, Pyrenees, Golden Plains and Greater Geelong, as well as the southern half of West Wimmera Shire.

These grants are part of a $13.53 million Drought Support Package which also includes a $1.43 million investment in farmer wellbeing, technical decision-making advice and a dedicated Regional Drought Coordinator who will help ensure support is reaching those who need it.

The grants build on the existing support services available for farmers including the Rural Financial Counselling Service, The National Centre for Farmer Health, farmer workshops, field days and practical information on the Agriculture Victoria website.

To attend an upcoming drop-in session being held across the south-west visit or phone 136 186.

For more information on the On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program, including the specific areas of eligibility, visit or call them on 1800 260 425 during business hours.

Free financial counselling available now
kelpie on back of ute 'free finanical counselling'

The Rural Financial Counselling Service provides a free and confidential financial counselling service to eligible farmers and small related enterprises who are experiencing, or at risk of, financial hardship.

They can help you to access available support, analyse your business situation, negotiate with lenders and develop strategies to improve your financial position.

To find your closest service visit or call 1300 771 741.

Local poultry owners we want to hear from you
a chicken in grass

Are you a poultry owner in the Golden Plains or Corangamite Shires? 

We would like your feedback about the 2024 avian influenza outbreak.

Your experiences and insights are crucial for shaping future responses.

Take our quick survey and share your views on information provided during the outbreak.

Webinar recording- Does it make cents to finish lambs?

Recording of dry season spring webinar series: October 2024

Listen to Geoff Duddy in this webinar to learn about finishing lambs in a tight season.

He uses examples to assist with decision-making around finishing lambs on grain versus selling as stores.

Geoff is recognised nationally as a lamb feedlotting specialist and co-developed the Sheep CRC Lamb Feedlot Calculator. Geoff is experienced in all aspects of sheep production, reproduction, nutrition and finishing.

He spent 27 years with NSW DPI in both sheep and wool research and extension roles before establishing his own private sheep consultancy (Sheep Solutions) in 2013.

A link to the Lamb Feedlot Calculator can be found on the Feeding Livestock website. 

If you are looking to find information on site selection for a stock containment area or a sheep feedlot  we would recommend having a look at the Navigating Farm Developments online tool.

Alternatively, the National procedures and guidelines for intensive sheep and lamb feeding systems  provides relevant information on best practice management, performance targets, new R&D and primary information sources for sheep producers.

Enhanced surveillance for animal disease in Victoria

Dr Jeff Cave, Agriculture Victoria Senior Veterinary Officer

Victoria’s livestock industries are fortunate to be free of most of the serious diseases that affect animals in other parts of the world.

Despite this fact, ongoing surveillance for new or exotic disease is important to reassure our trading partners of Victoria’s favourable disease status and to ensure the early detection of diseases that might impact on trade, public health, and farm or regional productivity.

Agriculture Victoria has an initiative that allows veterinarians who investigate and report on outbreaks of unusual or significant animal disease to be paid a subsidy to help cover the cost of the investigation and associated laboratory fees.

This subsidy may be paid when:

  • a large number of animals are affected or there is an unusual presentation of a disease
  • an initial investigation fails to establish a diagnosis, or veterinary treatment does not produce the expected response
  • clinical signs are consistent with an emergency disease without a clear alternative diagnosis
  •  findings suggest a possible effect on trade, public health or the viability of a farm, industry or region.

This will increase the likelihood of detecting a serious animal disease should one occur and assist in covering the cost to farmers of investigating and reporting an animal disease outbreak.

Payment of subsidies is conditional upon approval being given by Agriculture Victoria before the investigation begins.

When there is a genuine suspicion of an exotic or emergency disease Agriculture Victoria will undertake the disease investigation and cover the full cost of the investigation.

In summary, early detection of new or exotic disease depends on farmers, vets and government working together:

  • producers and animal owners should call their vet when an unusual disease occurs in their stock
  • veterinary practitioners must remain vigilant and consider the possibility of new, unusual or exotic diseases
  • unusual disease incidents should be fully investigated, and appropriate samples should be submitted to veterinary laboratories.

Early detection of emerging or exotic disease is the key to their effective management.

If you suspect an exotic or emergency disease, please contact your local veterinarian, or Agriculture Victoria veterinary or animal health officer, or the Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Apply for new Future Drought Fund grants to support Aussie farmers
we're with our farmers for the long haul. Future Drought Fund

The Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund is looking for eligible Australian organisations to apply for 2 new grant programs.

These programs will trial innovative solutions with the potential to build the agriculture sector, landscapes and communities’ long-term resilience to drought and climate risks, through transformational change.

The $40 million Resilient Landscapes Program focuses on demonstrating how implementing and scaling of practices, technologies or approaches to manage natural resources on farm, builds drought and climate resilience.

The $40.3 million Long-term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Program Round 2 looks at investigating new practices and technologies that will improve productivity in variable weather through evidence-based trials, co-designed with farmers.

Both grant rounds are open to agricultural industries in Australia and will be delivered over six years.

Applicants must form consortia, that is 2 or more organisations working together to develop and deliver an eligible project.

Applications close on 19 November 2024.

To learn more about the grants and apply, visit:

Resilient Landscapes Grants Program

Long-term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Grants.

WorkSafe - cattle crush information
a safe cattle crush is essential to operator safety, animal welfare and can improve your bottom line

Attention dairy and cattle farmers.

WorkSafe have worked with industry to develop new cattle crush safety guidance.

We want to keep everyone safe when handling cattle.

Find out more:

Victoria’s finger on the pulse with new research
green plants

The Victorian Government is boosting Victoria’s pulse production with new research that will help solidify Australia as an industry leader and meet growing global demand for plant proteins.

Minister for Agriculture Ros Spence recently announced $2.4 million towards a new research project at the Horsham SmartFarm with the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).

The Grains Research and Development Corporation invested $8.8 million on behalf of Australian grain growers, and $2.4 million from industry collaborators.

The 4-year project will help Australian pulse producers develop varieties with traits that are driven by the market – supporting Australian farmers to market demand and ensure consumers are getting the product they want.

The national project will involve all parts of the pulse supply chain, including 13 subcontractors, food and ingredient manufacturers and processors, as well as an international partner.

The project will capitalise on the growing plant-based protein market, with demand for these foods forecast to surpass $250 billion globally by 2035.

Australia exports on average 2.5 million tonnes of pulses a year, making us the second largest pulse exporter in the world.

More than 90% of Australia’s pulses are exported with prices defined by visual quality and used primarily for human consumption with a small proportion sold into the lower value, domestic livestock feed market.

Victoria is a major contributor to Australia’s pulse industry, generating $638 million in export income last financial year.

For more information about the project visit,

Take part in horse survey
AHIC start survey here

Launch of the most comprehensive horse survey in Australia and the Australian Horse Industry Council needs your help.

As horse owners, we all know the enormous amount of time, energy and money we put into our horses. We also know the incredible benefits we get in return from our life spent with horses.

But does anyone know how big the impact of this is across the country? What contribution our horses make to the economy? How many people are employed? Indeed, even how many horses are there in Australia?

The Australian Horse Industry Council needs your help in ensuring that they can accurately build a picture of size and scale of horse ownership in Australia to be able to show government at all levels of their worth and importance to Australian life.

The Australian Horse Industry Council have engaged survey company IER and invite participants and stakeholders in the equine industry to share their experiences with us to WIN one of 5 $500 prepaid gift cards.


Have you reviewed your farm fire plan?
now's the time to prepare your farm for the fire season

A fire plan can help protect your home, livestock and vital farm infrastructure.

It will also help identify what you need to do and when you need to do it in preparation for the upcoming fire season.

Start today by downloading a copy of the Farm Fire Preparedness Toolkit. 

In case you missed it

Caring for your stock in dry seasonal conditions

One way to help manage your stock during dry seasonal conditions is with the use of a stock containment area (SCA).


Save the date for pulse industry showcase

Increasing pulse crop profitability will be a key focus of the Wimmera Pulse Agronomy Field Day to be held at Rupanyup on Wednesday 30 October.


Early estimate frost damage – use our grain yield calculator

In recent weeks some of Victoria’s cropping regions have experienced the incidence of frost, which can have an impact on yield potential for cereal crops when at the flowering and grain-fill growth stage.


North American study tour as part of winning GRDC award

For Agriculture Victoria plant pathologist Dr Joshua Fanning, winning the 2023 Grains Research and Development Corporation’s (GRDC) Emerging Leader Award was honour enough, but it was the icing on the cake to travel to America and Canada to tour leading research institutes and cropping regions.


What's on?

Details about Agriculture Victoria events can now be found in one spot on our website. Log on to to find out what's on.

Calm the farm – Winchelsea
calm the farm winchelsea 29 october

DATE: Tuesday 29 October

TIME: 10 am – 12 pm

WHERE: Barwon Hotel, 1 Main Street, Winchelsea.


Agriculture Victoria has engaged the National Centre for Farmer Health to deliver ‘Calm the Farm’ in Winchelsea.

Join us for an interactive and engaging 2-hour workshop that explores ways of reducing work related stress.

Connect with other local farmers as you focus on practical solutions to improve job satisfaction and effectiveness for you and your team.

Continue the conversation over a meal – on us.

Key focus areas:

  • understand the main work-related risk factors for farmers’ mental health
  • explore how these may be impacting you and your farm business
  • develop your own plan to stay on track.
South west – dry seasonal conditions planning workshops

Monday 28 October – Coleraine


From 9:30 am – 1pm, with lunch provided.

As we head out of a dry spring and into summer it’s important to look ahead and plan.

Agriculture Victoria invites you to a workshop with presenter Nathan Scott of Achieve Ag Solutions, to help with planning and decision making in dry times.

Everyone’s situation is different. Nathan will work through scenarios, feed budgeting, costing and discuss available options as well as how to set up trigger points and planning for different situations.

Nathan has a background in prime lamb, merino wool and beef production and a passion for improving the productivity and profitability of livestock enterprises.

He works with producers to increase conception rates, improve lamb survival, lift growth rates, and improve overall management.

Rural Financial Counsellors will also be at the workshop to offer their services and assist with drought package applications.

If you attend the workshop, you are eligible for a one-on-one chat with a farm business consultant.

Casterton wellbeing event
looking for a wellbeing break?

DATE: Friday 25 October.

TIME: 10 am – 2 pm

LOCATION: Casterton Memorial Hospital, 63-69 Russell Street, Casterton.


Looking after your wellbeing and connecting with others is important in challenging times.

Take this opportunity to get off the farm and give yourself the time and space to focus on your wellbeing (and have a good laugh) at the Casterton workshop on 25 October.

This fun, light-hearted practical ‘Take a Wellbeing Break’ workshop brings together farmers and farming communities to provide well-being tools and information, connect and share ideas, and identify practical strategies you can immediately implement to positively impact your wellbeing.

For more information, visit

Webinar reminder: Consumer insights on sustainability
hort innovation

How is sustainability influencing how Australians shop for fresh produce – and what does sustainability even mean to people in this context?

Date: Monday 28 October
Time: 11am to 12 pm 
Via this Zoom link.

Join Hort Innovation to hear from our research team at Fiftyfive5, part of Accenture Song, as they share insights about:

  • how sustainability is shaping what produce Australians buy, and how this has changed over the last year
  • how ‘best before’ dates influence what consumers do with fresh produce
  • what consumers think about packaging – plastic packaging in particular
  • what can be done to reduce food waste in households.

This webinar is ideal for those engaged in marketing, sales and category management for fruit, nuts and vegetables, but is open to all who are interested.

Carbon Farming Outreach Program – upcoming events
people standing in green grass in front of a sheed

The Carbon Farming Outreach Program gets underway this month and is open to all Victorian farmers.

The program assists farmers and land managers to understand and make informed decisions on carbon farming, including:  

  • the fundamentals of carbon farming  
  • sources of emissions and options to reduce emissions and store carbon
  • how to determine your emissions profile 
  • understanding and navigating carbon credit markets. 

Hosted by catchment management authorities, these sessions will share the latest information about carbon farming. 

Upcoming events

For more information and to register for updates, visit the Carbon Farming Outreach Program page on our website.

This program is delivered with funding from the Commonwealth of Australia as part of the National Carbon Farming Outreach Program.

Regional Victorian Artificial Intelligence Forum

DATE: Friday 15 November



Learn how AI and the latest cutting-edge technologies can help transform and revolutionise your business.

Join us at Regional Development Australia Melbourne’s (RDAM) upcoming Artificial Intelligence Forum, to be held in Bendigo on 15 November.

This forum will highlight the importance of understanding and harnessing these innovative technology solutions, their benefits and practical applications in business, as well as address concerns surrounding risk, compliance, and legislation of AI in industry. 

For early adopters of AI or for businesses starting to explore the space, the forum will inform, showcase, and inspire.

Showcasing demonstrations of real-world adoption of AI and digital innovation, we will talk to and hear insights from industry leaders and businesses driving productivity and innovation through the integration of AI.  

With keynotes, panel discussion and collaborative conversation, this will be a platform to connect and explore the array of opportunities in AI businesses are undertaking in regional areas and beyond.

Speakers include:

  • Simon Wilson, CEO Founder of Australian Regional AI Network and CEO of RegGrid
  • Jannat Maqbool, Manager of Industry Programs at ARM AI Adopt Centre. Jannat has 25 years of experience in IoT and smart cities, financial services innovation, digital engineering, and AI, across Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, and is actively engaged in the technology ecosystem.

Case study presenters/demonstrators include:

  • Stef Cola, Director of Engineering at CultureAmp, and founder of Ligantic  (Innovative chat tool powered by AI)
  • Briana Cowan, founder of Mingle Media, runs workshops on leveraging AI to boost productivity in business
  • Edward Barraclough, founder of Drone-Hand, autonomous livestock and total property monitoring.
Irrigators workshops - Warrnambool and Hamilton


DATE: 19 and 20 November

TIME: 10 am – 3 pm (both days)

LOCATION: Deakin University


DATE: 21 and 22 November

TIME: 10 am – 3 pm (both days)

LOCATION: HIRL (more details on registration)


Understanding your irrigation system and if you have it running a peak performance? Wondering if it’s worth upgrading and need to understand what’s available?

These 2-day workshops are aimed at irrigators to help them learn about how to make their irrigation systems the best they can be – from an efficiency, production and water use perspective.

These workshops will be facilitated by Peter Smith, Sapphire Irrigation Consulting and are free for irrigators to attend.

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Contacting Agriculture Victoria

Call 136 186 from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles and public telephones).

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or

All contact points can be found at:

Don't forget to check out Agriculture Victoria's social media sites for up-to-date information and news.



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