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Two lambs with overlay 'Backyard Biosecurity it’s up to all of us’ and ‘Agriculture Victoria’

Edition 20: Final

In this edition:
Thank you!

Thank you for joining us on our journey through the biosecurity fundamentals of managing small-scale landholding.

We hope you’ve picked up some useful tips and must-knows to implement good biosecurity practices on your land and to minimise the risk of pests and diseases.


Click here to access previous editions of the Backyard Biosecurity newsletter series.

We would love your feedback

We are undertaking a review of the Backyard Biosecurity newsletter series and we'd love to hear about your experiences. The survey should take less than 5 minutes.

Please complete survey here.

We're excited to share with you a new podcast season, produced in partnership with RSPCA Victoria. Hear from hobby farmers all over Victoria sharing their stories about biosecurtiy and the advice they want others to know. Click Here.
Develop and/or update your biosecurity plan. Click here to visit our website.
This doesn’t have to be the end…//Keep in touch…
Victorian Biosecurity Matters

Subscribe to Victorian Biosecurity Matters, a monthly publication keeping you up to date with the latest information about biosecurity. Subscribers to the newsletter will also receive updates in the event of an animal or plant health emergency.

Agriculture Victoria website
Want bite-sized biosecurity tips? Click here to watch our animation series on YouTube
Online training 📚

Check out Agriculture Victoria's e-learning.

Help protect Australian farms from biosecurity threats such as foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease. Create an account for full access to our free online courses. Click here.

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Agriculture Victoria

Contacting Agriculture Victoria

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