It takes a Village and 40 Years No Images? Click here Turning the Past into the Future It takes a village and 40 Years. by Michael Holly, AIA, NCARB, REFP and Jeffrey Smith, AIA, NCARB Wouldn’t every older community like to ask themselves “what if?”. In Hammond, Louisiana, all of these “what if” questions have become reality. How did that happen? It took 40 years and the energy from a host of interested citizens as well as economic incentives that evolved into the thriving heart of the community that is Downtown Hammond.The revival story of Hammond, Louisiana is linked to modes of transportation throughout the history of America. The funding , the growth, the decline and the revitalization are all linked to our society’s evolution in transportation and our eventual reliance on smart growth as a quality of life advancement. The success of Downtown Hammond as a vibrant community is a testament to the persistence of its citizens. So indeed, it takes a village of like-minded people to support, build, and maintain a community that has to evolve, address and embrace the changing environment. This story exhibits the prodigious process of using the tools available to embrace the past and employ it as a means to reimagine the future. The graphic below outlines milestones in the 40 year span of redevelopment. It also depicts Holly & Smith Architects' participation in that process. (Click timeline to enlarge or click here) The time frame for this rejuvenation was long and rigorous, but at the same time consistent and focused. It took the dedication of many to re-activate the core. The credit can be spread to many who contributed their vision, effort and time to this success. Hammond has one of the longest-running Main Street America programs in the country. When the Hammond Downtown Development District was founded in 1984, there was an 80% vacancy rate in the district, which has been reduced to less than 11% today. There are about 170 living spaces with corresponding services that make up a complete community. The Hammond Downtown Development District has set a nationwide standard for mixed-use buildings and boasts a diverse range of residential options. The National Main Street Program has maintained an award program annually. In 2018 Hammond was named one of the top ten Main Street Programs, nationally. Patrice Frey, the President & CEO of the Great American Main Street Center said: ![]() In addition, the Hammond Downtown Development District continues to be recognized, they were cited by the Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation as the best Mainstreet Program in the State of Louisiana for 2019. Doing business in established downtowns is just good business. As stated by the Louisiana Department of Culture Recreation and Tourism, they note: ![]() H/S EXPERIENCE Holly & Smith Architects is pleased to be part of this success within Downtown Hammond. They have been commissioned with over 42 projects within the Downtown community during that time span and are proud to say that it has been an honor to be part of the success. The rehabilitation of buildings is sustainable, strengthens our community and contributes to quality of life. Turning the past into the future has been a trademark of our organization. As human beings, we spend our personal and professional time within the built environment. As Architects, we are privileged to create spaces where people can gather, live, learn, work, eat, sleep and worship. Therefore, it is incumbent that we design spaces that enhance the quality of life and nurtures a greater passion for living. Our design approach is influenced by the environment, culture and community in which architecture exists. To take it further... We Design for Life.
Michael Holly and Jeffrey Smith received recognition from the Foundation for Historical Louisiana for their efforts in the revitalization of Historic Downtown Hammond in 2009. Both Michael and Jeffrey are past chairman of the Hammond Historic District Commission and past board members of the Hammond Downtown Development District. They have received recognition from AIA and the Louisiana Main Street Program for several buildings in historic Hammond, Louisiana. Many of their clients have received rehabilitation tax credits based on their designs. They also have personally invested in historical properties and have successfully adapted historical properties into income procuring mixed-use developments while utilizing both federal and state rehabilitation tax credits and grants from Louisiana Main Street Program.
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