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Newsletter 18 - November 17, 2023

From the Principal

With only 4 weeks left of the term, we find ourselves in the thick of all the exciting events that Term 4 brings. The teachers continue to plan, teach and assess to ensure that our students engage in their learning whilst participating in school events.

At this time of the year, sleep quality and quantity is an important consideration for all our students (and adults). Specialists in this field reinforce the health, wellbeing and academic benefits of regular sleep hours.

Recent research in the area has found that children and teenagers are happiest when they are getting a good night’s sleep, however electronic devices and screen time can get in the way of sleep so it is essential that families set up rules around devices and bedrooms.

Subiaco Primary School has a subscription to School TV, which is a brilliant resource for our families offering a range of topics published monthly with comprehensive videos from leading specialists and organisations such as Beyond Blue, ReachOut, HeadSpace and others.

Speak Up Awards
Our annual Speak up Awards were held during Week 5 and the Year 5 and Year 6 professional finalists presented to a captive audience of students, parents, judges and teachers. Topics ranged from Sun Bears to Technology. The speeches were assessed against rigerous criteria that included purpose, organisation, research, sequence, pace, eye contact and creativity.

Both the prepared speeches and the impromptu speeches were of a very high quality. Congratulations to our contestants, finalists and the 2023 Speak Up winner Austin A (U8) and the runner up was Millie B (U7) who was awarded runner up.

The top ranked speaker will be chosen as the MC for the Year 6 graduation.

Thanks to the Year 6 support team, Mr Shorter, Mrs Delestang and Mr Hayward.  A special call out to Mr Kettell who coordinated the event and to the Year 5 teachers and all the staff and parents who supported the students preparation and speeches on the day.

Year 6 Fun Day
Yesterday, the Year 6 students and teachers coordinated the annual Year 6 Fun Day and it was one of the most professional and well run Fun Days that we have seen at Subiaco Primary School. The students planned their stalls, crafts and activities to the finest detail. There was something for everyone and the smiles on the children’s faces summed it up. Click HERE for photos.

Over $2,000 was raised during an extended lunch period.

Special congratulations to our fabulous Year 6 team of Mrs DeLestang, Mr Shorter, Mr Hayward, Mr Kettell, and all of the Year 6 students.

Remembrance Day
Thanks to Mrs Elliott and our Year 5 students (Demid, Mischa, Fergus, Xavier, Taj and Tara) who represented Subiaco PS at the Remembrance Day Service on Saturday 11 November.

School Pool
The pool is used extensively during school hours and is an important part of our Physical education program. As part of the Phys Ed curriculum, the Year 4 and Year 5 students started their Water Polo unit last week which runs to the end of the term.

These sessions provide a great opportunity to engage in water polo skills as well as team work and water confidence. Special thanks to Mr Clancy, Mr Egan and our specialist coaches from UWA Water Polo.

Enjoy your week
Dr Melinda Harris

Remembrance Day

It was a really fun ceremony to attend and be part of. Mr Peter Hopper invited us to lay the wreaths at the Fallen Soldiers Memorial, then we bowed in respect for the people that helped make Australia safe. After that we went to the Subiaco museum for refreshments. Overall it was a great ceremony, and I would like to acknowledge the people who fought for our country - Demid (U1). 

We will remember them.

Around the Grounds

A cable gate is currently being installed to the front car park to the school. This will increase the safety aspect for staff and students.

Children Leaving the School

If your child will be leaving Subiaco Primary School, please email your child’s destination school and leaving date to as soon as you have the required information.

Pool Opening and Passes

The Splash Party is scheduled for Friday 24 November. The pool has had extensive works over the Spring months including new pool blankets by the P&C and rigorous testing by the RLSSWA to ensure that it meets the required testing before the season opening. 

The school receives amazing support from the Education Department of Western Australia, the P&C, the RLSSWA  and the Department of Health.

Thanks to Peter Schwarbech, Jo Wilkie, and the pool committee who have been selling pool passes at the front entrance to the school. Please stop and purchase some for the season.

Honour Awards

16 November 2023

LP3   Charlotte G          
L3 Julian M Aaliya K      Tom S James G    
L5 Chloe M Himani S Rena M             
L6 Emma R Langley B     Norah F Bligh H
L9 Luke A      
M1 Jonathon N Jaidee B    
M2 Elijah B Ben D Emma S Villa J

Music News

Our Junior and Senior choirs will be performing at a Christmas Carol event organised by the Salvation Army and held at Mabel Talbot Park on Sunday 10 December from 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along to enjoy the singing and soak up the Christmas atmosphere! Please see the attached flyer.

Both our Junior and Senior choirs will combine on Thursday mornings at 8.00am for rehearsals from now on. There will be no Tuesday morning rehearsals for Junior Choir.
It is very important that your child attends ALL choir rehearsals.  Students who do not know the song material will not be permitted to take part in the event.

Music Assembly
A music assembly featuring our school choirs, school orchestra and performances by a few small ensemble groups and soloists will be held on Thursday 30 November, Week 8, at the Subiaco Church from 8:50am.

IMSS Concert
Our annual IMSS concert for parents will be held on Wednesday 29 November at 6.00pm in the Subiaco church, 260 Bagot Road. The concert should last an hour or so. All students in the IMSS program will be performing. Please let me know if your child is unable to participate.

The student performing will need to arrive at 5:30pm for tuning and set up.

This is an opportunity for our students to showcase their musical skills as all students who participate in the IMSS program will perform. We will also enjoy performances by our school string orchestra.

IMSS Selection for 2024 - Update
Thank you to all the parents that attended the IMSS (Instrumental Music School Services) information session earlier this term.
We are currently completing the selection process at school with students in Year 2, 3 and 4. Our instrumental teachers will be meeting short listed students to carry out their final assessments and selection. Parents of successful students will be notified by letter before the end of November and meetings for parents will be held in local high schools in the coming weeks.

Speak Up Awards

The 2023 Subiaco Primary Speak Up Awards final was held on Monday 6 November in the Upper Hall. The thirteen finalists from Years 5 and 6 confidently delivered a series of informative, entertaining and persuasive speeches before an audience of their peers, teachers and parents. 

Eric Z delivered his speech on The Sun, James T told us all about Marathons, Grace J educated us on the plight of the Ancient Murrelet, Jacob C informed us about Electronics, Millie B shared her love of Hockey, Lila M explained why Squids are taking over the world, Isla E addressed the very unappetising topic of Bile Farming, Ayden A took us on a journey to South Korea, Pippa M shared her passion for Sun Bears, Ashlea P spoke about Fears and Phobias, Dhiksha K talked about the World’s Biggest Fails, Sacha J warned us of the perils of Electronic Addiction, and Austin A entertained us by explaining why Parents are a strange species.The prepared speeches were all so good that the final results came down to how well each speaker responded to their impromptu topic. 

The eventual winner was Austin A, and the runner-up was Millie B. Congratulations to these two worthy winners, and well done to all of the finalists for showing such grace, poise and confidence under pressure.

Thank you to our student and staff judges, our MCs, our time keeper and our reliable score tabulator.

Come to the Splash Party

Celebrate the opening of the pool season at the Splash Party.

When:  Friday 24 November, 3.30-6.00pm
Entry:  Free for everyone
Come along and buy your Season family pass or Ten visit pass. (EFTPOS available).

The pool will be open with a qualified lifeguard in attendance every day from Friday 24 November 2023 to Sunday 17 March 2024, except public holidays. So join up, keep cool and have fun with the kids over summer.

Pool passes are also available for purchase online and at the Uniform Shop on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. More detailed information about the pool is on the School’s website.

Thanks for supporting our beautiful school pool!

P&C Pool Committee;

Movie Night

Thanks to everyone who came along and supported the Movie Night. We sold almost 600 tickets and raised over $5,000 (net) which was a great result.

Thanks to our fantastic donors:

  • Hiddlestone Electrics – who generously donate the lighting and their time each year,
  • Coles – for donating all the icecreams.

A massive thank you also to our raffle prize donors including Smoogie Unicorn Brushes, Greenleaf Pharmacies, Bark, Devlin’s, Hello Harry, Rumble Boxing, Architects and Heroes and Kul Kul. Please support these great local Subi businesses if you can.

Thank you for your support
P&C Events Committee

Uniform Shop News

This week it was my pleasure to meet many of the new families and their children enrolled for Kindy and Pre-primary in 2024.

The Uniform Shop is fully stocked with all the requirements needed for children across all grades, so I suggest shopping instore or online before school finishes on Thursday 14 December.

A request, the Pre-loved Rack is looking bare. If you have good condition gold polos, skorts or maroon shorts that your child has outgrown I would appreciate your donations. I am also seeking good condition Kindy/Pre-primary polos and jackets. The items must be clean and without stains or tears, suitable for another child to enjoy wearing. Also backpacks, large and small size, in good condition with working zippers would be appreciated.

Thank you to all the families who have donate quality uniforms and backpacks! Your generosity helps other students.

Uniform Shop Coordinator.


Bob Hawk College Enrolments
Bob Hawke College welcomes applications for enrolments for Year 7 in 2024 for all prospective students residing in the local intake area. Please go to to submit your application or call the College on 9222 5600 for more information.

Supervision of Students on School Grounds After Hours
We strongly remind parents that students should not be on the school grounds out of school hours, unless accompanied by an adult. School staff cannot be held responsible for the safety of the students outside school hours.

E News

Recycling at School

Members of our school community are able to recycle many items in the recycling bins located in the school library. Items we accept include:

  • Eligible 10c Drink Containers
  • Household batteries
  • Mobile phones
  • Used toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes
  • Razors and blades
  • Glad snap lock bags and Glad cling wrap
  • Printer Cartridges
  • Plastic Body Writing Instruments
  • Blister Packs

Click HERE for more information

Community News

Academic Task Force 
Get a flying start to the new school year with courses in NAPLAN Preparation, Maths, English, GATE Preparation, Learning Skills and Essay Writing.

GATE Scholarship Exam Preparation: Students will gain familiarity and learn strategies in answering GATE and Scholarship Exam questions. In small groups, taught by a qualified teacher, students will develop their skills in reading, writing, mathematics, quantitative & abstract reasoning. The course develops comprehension and abilities in responding to each part of the exam with feedback on their work and how to improve. 

Year 7 Preparation for Transition to High School: Engaging courses, taught by qualified teachers in small groups for students who will be starting High School in 2024. Students can enrol in Year 7 NAPLAN Preparation, Maths, English, Learning Skills and Essay Writing courses. Each course will provide the skills necessary to help prepare students for High School and build confidence and skills for success. 

Enrol online: or Call: 9314 9500 or Email:

10% Early Bird Discount ends Monday 11 December.

For Community classes, activities and events that are available to families in Subiaco please click HERE.

Contact Details

271 Bagot Rd, Subiaco WA 6008.
Phone: 08 9207 7900