News and views from the bus and tram lanes No images? Click here Member Update: September 2, 2022Dear Members, Region 6 members took strike action together with the TWU on Wednesday with two peak-hour stoppages following Transit Systems' refusal to accept key claims that will ensure 'Same Job, Same Pay'. Rather than giving workers doing the exact same job the same fair wages and conditions, TSA instead reverted back to the old and tired tactic of blame-shifting. Members have had enough, and these powerful stoppages sent a clear message to the company that common sense will prevail. Well done to everyone for sticking it out together and taking action! View some pictures and videos of the day on the Tram & Bus website here. For members in Region 7, we'll be meeting again with Busways next Friday September 9 to go over their redrafted proposal. More to come following this meeting. We also met with CMET last Friday 26th of August. We have in-principle agreement on several issues but the final form of these is not yet agreed to. You can find these listed in this edition of the Express. And in Randwick Trams, we're ready to welcome our next Delegate. Expressions of Interest are now open for the role, so if you've ever thought about becoming a union Delegate this is your chance to put your name down! We hope that you continue to stay safe and well. Region 6 EA UpdateWe took strike action with the TWU on Wednesday with two peak-hour stoppages between 4am-7am and 2:30pm-5:30pm. It was great to see so many members standing together, fighting for fairness and holding TSA to account - and by extension the NSW Government for botching their privatisation of Sydney buses in the first place. The catalyst for this action was Transit Systems' refusal to agree to the following key claims during a bargaining meeting on Wednesday 24 August.
These claims are crucial to ensuring ‘Same Job Same Pay’ – protecting the conditions of legacy drivers and lifting 900 drivers - yet Transit Systems have once again stooped to shifting the blame away from themselves. RTBU Bus & Tram Division Secretary David Babineau said it’s disappointing the NSW Government let things get to this point.
Region 7 EA UpdateThank you to everyone for your patience during this ongoing process. We have a meeting scheduled with Busways on September 9. In this meeting, we will go over their redrafted EA after taking into account the union's position on their original proposal. At this time we expect to be able to put forward some genuine offers from the company and start discussing details of what is being proposed. Once we have more detail depot meetings will be held to field questions and seek direction from members. CMET EA UpdateThe last bargaining meeting for CMET was Friday 26th of August. We have in-principle agreement on several issues but the final form of these is not yet agreed to. This includes:
Randwick Trams - EOI for Workplace DelegateAn expression of interest has gone out for tram members in Randwick Tram Depot to nominate for workplace delegate. If more than one person nominates for the role, a ballot will be held. If you've ever considered being a union delegate, here's your chance to get involved! In solidarity, David Babineau and Daniel Jaggers ![]() |