No images? Click here ![]() Get Involved Week Dear Student,
![]() GET INVOLVED: WHAT'S ON? ![]() Volunteering Fair1–2pm Wednesday, 20 Oct Discover a diverse range of volunteering projects. Volunteering offers the opportunity to enrich your personal development and employability, meet new people, have fun and give back to your community. For queries, contact ![]() Design Your University Journey12–1pm Wednesday, 20 Oct In this workshop, you will explore what university means to you and design your journey to make the most of the opportunities available at NUI Galway. ![]() Societies EventsNUI Galway Student Societies (Socs for short) provide the ideal way to make new friends who share your interests, while also learning new skills and broadening your university learning experience. Socs organise trips, events, guest speakers, workshops, films, classes, parties and the glamorous gala balls. There is a student-led society for every interest – and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can start your own! You can still go to Socs events even if you are not yet a member. Note numbers are restricted at in-person events, so sign up if required. If you are a member, keep an eye on your student emails and check your spam folder. ![]() Socs CinemaMonday to Thursday, 18–21 Oct SocsBox will show a fantastic selection of films each week, with at least two nightly showings. The first set of showings begins at 6pm, with the second kicking off at 8pm. See here for details on all society events. ![]() 555 ChallengeStarting Monday , 18 Oct Train to complete a 5km run over the course of 5 weeks, in teams of 5. ![]() ![]() ![]() MORE ACTIVITES Students' UnionFor more info and links, check out your weekly Students' Union email.
Get Active
KINGFISHER CLUB DISCOUNT Avail of your discounted membership rate for Kingfisher Club at NUI Galway Sports Centre, and gain access to a Please note: NUI Galway Student Card is required to avail of this rate. DON'T DROP OUT, DROP IN. If you've been thinking about dropping out, please drop into the Student Enquiry Centre to explore your options before 31 October. Meet Student Advisers and Careers, Fees and Health & Wellbeing Teams for information and support before you make a decision. Drop-In Centre Timetable: ![]() CRITICAL DEADLINES 31 October is a critical date.It's decision time! If you think your course might not be a good fit, be aware that there are financial implications to withdrawal (dropping out) after 31 October. Officially Withdrawing after 31/10/21 and before 31/01/22, you will have to pay:
Officially Withdrawing after 31/01/22, you will have to pay:
Additional fee information can be found at Click here for course withdrawal form. If you have a SUSI grant (see, withdrawing after 31/10/2021 will also impact on your grant eligibility for next year if you start a new course next year. Changing CourseYour course is the degree programme that you have chosen to study. Students wishing to change courses (internal transfers) may do so up to 29 October, 2021. Please email and provide the following details: Name, ID number, course they are currently in and course they wish to transfer to (e.g. GY101, GY401 etc.) Students will also need to provide their Leaving Cert points. Students may only be considered for internal transfer if they have the points for their preferred course. Changing ModulesA module is a subsection of your course, which covers a specific subject area. In light of the network issues on campus, students wishing to change modules should contact their module leader directly to ask them to add them to their modules, including adding them to the Blackboard site. STUDENT HEALTH UNIT *ALERT* Important NoticeThe Student Health Unit (SHU) has noted a significant increase in potential COVID-19 symptoms among students. Some students have been on campus when contacted by our team. This is not acceptable! If you develop any symptoms: runny nose, sinus congestion, sore throat, aches & pains, temperature over 38°C, shortness of breath, change in taste/smell, headache or Diarrhoea – you must SELF-ISOLATE and arrange a COVID-19 test via HSE, your GP or see below instructions on how to access online forms to book appointments for the Student Health Unit. Even if your COVID-19 test result is negative – do NOT attend college or work until you are fully recovered and 48 hours symptom-free. You can still make an appointment with the Student Health Unit. Owing to the IT/Internet disruption, the website interface looks different but the system still works. ![]() UniCoV ![]() Project UniCoV is important. UniCoV study is a study aimed at developing and informing SARS-CoV-2 rapid testing and surveillance systems in higher education in the Republic of Ireland and to assist the return to campus activity. Volunteers are still needed. Please help us protect our community and develop an early COVID-19 detection system. Take 2 FREE COVID-19 rapid tests 2 mornings per week. Register at today! ![]() ![]() ![]()