October 2021


A design newsletter by Antistatique




Light some candles, dress in your scariest costume, open a packet of candies and enjoy this edition of DON'T PANIC.

Click here to get in the mood

Feedback on webflow

No-codeFeedback on webflow

[FR] Have you heard of Webflow, the no-code web design platform? Fanny at Akiani debriefs us on this solution.

Not a sponsored link ^_^

Access Guide

AccessibilityAccess Guide

"Because we live in an ablest, capitalist society, people often overlook or outright refuse accessibility because society devalues disabled people and their needs." An introduction to digital accessibility.



"Design during perilous times V22. - One year on, what have we learned?". We don't want to stress you out, but we already have our tickets for this unmissable conference.



Whether between designers or with developers, the review of deliverables is an integral part of our work. Here is a tool that we might be useful to you too. Fancy testing it?

Brutal honesty: the new look sustainable marketing

SustainabilityBrutal honesty: the new look sustainable marketing

“Brands are admitting their flaws and eschewing the “sustainable” label in a bid to build consumer trust and forgiveness. It is radical transparency pushed further. Here’s how to get it right.”

This Climate Does Not Exist

ExperienceThis Climate Does Not Exist

It is an AI-driven experience based on empathy, allowing people to witness the environmental impacts of the current climate crisis. One location at a time.


Point of view

User Experience

A couple of lines of the importance and opportunities of play at work. Questions tied to learning and breaking rules, inviting crazy ideas to the design table, explore unexpected solutions and enjoy the process doing it. How wrong is it? It is not. This is a rightful way to keep stimulating our brain. Playfulness is visible in what we do and are transmitted to people using our work. It is good for our (mental) health and beneficial to our work. This is a reminder to play more, as a team.

And I’ll stick to (maybe) a romantic idea that when you play, accept you may lose. That’s OK, because you get to play again!



October 2021

This month we like


Painting • Palette

Eco-friendly paint, neatly presented. An inspiration, not only visually speaking.


New website • Base Design

Base Design launches its new website. Congratulations to the team, woop woop!


Sarcasm • Sell! sell! sell!

Between laughter and tears, our heart swings: visualising the products that won capitalism.


Cat • This cat does not exist

WTF! The cat version of thispersondoesnotexist. Stunning. Meow 🐱


Motion • IKEA Global Motion Language

A chapter of IKEAs Design System, preeeeetty cool!

Share a secret

Shhhh • Share a secret

This tool creates a link that only works one time and then self-destructs.


Quote of the month

"New and innovative work comes from the unexpected places, not the “right” answer, and it’s our childlike sense of wonder, curiosity, and play that makes it possible."


James Victore


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