Thursday, 30 January 2025 |
Will emergency services be able to access your property? |
Make sure roadside numbers are visible, vegetation around gates, culverts and bridges has been cleared, and gates are wide enough and easy to open.
Check out the tips and templates in the Farm Fire Preparedness Toolkit. Download a copy on our website.
Confirmed case of Japanese encephalitis (JE) |
A confirmed human case of Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been identified in a resident of northern Victoria, the first case of JE in Victoria this mosquito season.
JE virus has also been detected through environmental surveillance in northern Victoria along the Murray River, and in mosquitoes and feral pigs in New South Wales this summer.
These findings indicate that JE virus is likely circulating in northern Victoria this summer.
JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes.
Residents and people visiting northern Victoria, particularly inland riverine regions and near the Murray River, are potentially at higher risk of infection and should take measures to prevent mosquito bites.
Avoid mosquito bites by using mosquito repellent containing picaridin or diethyltoluamide (DEET) on all exposed skin. Wear long, loose fitting clothing when outside, and ensure accommodation, including tents are properly fitted with mosquito nettings or screens.
In Victoria, JE vaccine is available free-of-charge for specific groups at higher risk of exposure to the virus, including eligible people in 24 high-risk LGAs in northern Victoria.
Clinicians should test for JE virus in patients with compatible illness and notify the Department of Health immediately of suspected cases by calling 1300 651 160 (24 hours).
Find out if you are eligible for a free JE vaccination and how to access it.
Have your say on strengthening Victoria’s biosecurity laws |
Agriculture Victoria is seeking your feedback on two proposals aimed at strengthening the state’s biosecurity system – critical to protecting agriculture, public health, animal welfare, and market access.
Acting Executive Director at Agriculture Victoria, Kris Duthie invites farmers, veterinarians, livestock owners, agricultural and horticultural businesses, including nursery, and the general public, to have their say on two proposals.
The first is introducing a general biosecurity duty for animals and plants – creating a shared responsibility to proactively manage biosecurity risks.
'When we say ‘duty’, we mean an obligation for all community members to take reasonable steps to identify, prevent, and manage biosecurity risks.'
'Importantly, ‘reasonable and practical steps’ would vary depending on the context and activity, and the duty would be designed to be achievable by all,' Ms Duthie said.
'For instance, a farmer might monitor animals for disease and ensure feed is sourced from reputable suppliers, while a gardener might check plants for pests and diseases and avoid moving contaminated materials. Contractors or farm visitors could meet the duty by using footbaths, cleaning equipment and signing in at farms.'
The second proposal is about improving the data quality of livestock Property Identification Codes (PICs), to ensure the property details and animal species are current and accurate, particularly for mixed species and small landholders.
'This could include mandatory updates to livestock PIC records that would enhance data accuracy, supporting better traceability, emergency preparedness, and disease response,' Ms Duthie said.
'We’re seeking community feedback to help identify potential risks, challenges, and unintended consequences, and ensure the reforms are practical and effective. Please get your feedback in by 28 February.'
Following the consultation period, Agriculture Victoria will consider feedback, which will then be used to refine the proposals and inform next steps. To have your say visit Engage Victoria.
Back On Track by National Centre for Farmer Health |
Are you feeling overwhelmed, unusually frustrated or angry? Are you struggling to make decisions, losing concentration or avoiding family and friends? Are you feeling tired all the time, physically run down or stuck in a rut?
Back On Track is an innovative, peer-guided mental health initiative designed to support farming communities.
Find out more and register your interest in the trial here.
Funded by the Gardiner Foundation and led by the National Centre for Farmer Health, this program focuses on improving mental health outcomes for farmers by providing practical, culturally appropriate support delivered by trusted community members.
A 10 x session program (approximately 1 x hour per week over 10 weeks)
Guidance from peer coaches trained in behavioural activation—an evidence based method for boosting mood
Flexibly delivered to reduce barriers to accessing support.
Important step to protect Victorian cats and wildlife |
The Victorian Government is improving the health and wellbeing of domestic cats and protecting our unique native wildlife with the launch of the state’s first cat management strategy.
Minister for Agriculture Ros Spence and Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos recently launched the 10 year cat management strategy which will improve responsible ownership and education programs, and increase desexing rates.
The strategy also addresses the challenges of unowned and semi-owned cats, which make up most of the cat intake at shelters. It will look at ways to promote full and responsible ownership of these cats and target programs to capture, desex and rehome.
Feral cat management is another key focus. The strategy will improve information sharing between councils with successful cat management strategies and deliver more flexible registration options.
Importantly, the strategy recognises that cat management is a shared responsibility between councils, the State Government, community members and animal welfare organisations.
Cats are much loved companions and family members, but growing cat populations bring challenges. These include a threat to native wildlife and an increasing demand on councils and shelters.
Victoria is home to more than 227,000 registered cats, along with a significant number of unregistered, unowned or feral cats in Victoria.
To read the cat management strategy, visit
New edition of Fast Break |
The latest The Fast Break newsletter is now available.
This newsletter details oceanic and atmospheric climate driver activity over the last month and summarises three-month model predictions for the Pacific and Indian oceans, rainfall and temperature for Victoria.
To subscribe or to view the latest issue click here
National Food Safety Standards factsheet |
Do you grow berries, leafy vegetables or melons?
Check out our factsheet on the new National Food Safety Standards coming into effect February 12 2025.
The factsheet covers everything businesses need to know about the Standards in Victoria including which businesses they affect, the different registration pathways, where and how to register, the cost and frequently asked questions.
Head to our food safety for horticulture producers webpage to view the factsheet and find out more about the Food Safety Standards.
Where will you place your livestock during an emergency? |
It’s crucial to have a refuge area/paddock or stock containment area ready for your livestock during emergencies, with adequate feed and water for their safety.
Use the Fire Preparedness Toolkit and web resources to start planning for stock containment areas, emergency feeding and water budgeting – available here
Rural Financial Counselling Service |
The Rural Financial Counselling Service provides a free and confidential financial counselling service to eligible farmers and small related enterprises who are experiencing, or at risk of, financial hardship.
They can help you to access available support, analyse your business situation, negotiate with lenders and develop strategies to improve your financial position.
To find your closest service click here or call 1300 771 741.
Hot days, cool pets
'Hot Days, Cool Pets' is your go-to guide for ensuring our furry companions stay safe and happy during the sizzling summer months.
As the temperature rises, it’s crucial to prioritise the well-being of our beloved pets. Summer brings its own set of challenges, from scorching pavements to sudden thunderstorms. Follow these essential tips to make this summer a cool and comfortable one for your pets.
For all the information click here
Details about Agriculture Victoria events can now be found in one spot on our website.
Log on to to find out what's on.
Webinar – VFF Stock Sense Goat Webinar series |
Session 1 - 30 January, 6 - 7:30 pm
Alternative treatments for worms in goats with Dr Marisa Wood
Session 2 - 6 February, 6 - 7:30 pm
Kidding, care of newborns and pregnancy toxaemia in goats with Dr Sandra Baxendell
Register for the events here.
Understanding carbon on farms - webinar |
When: Wednesday 5 February, 12 - 1 pm
Register for the online event here.
Understanding Carbon and Emissions Opportunities in Agriculture |
When: Monday, 17 February, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Where: Upper Murray Events Centre, Corryong
Host - North East Catchment Management Authority
Free event
Agricultural consultant Cam Nicholson will provide an overview of where carbon requirements are heading, the evolution of possible emission reduction technologies, and explore options farmers have to maintain business flexibility while starting to participate in the carbon space.
Here for registration
Understanding what my number is for on-farm emissions using carbon calculators |
When: Tuesday, 18 February, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Where: Upper Murray Events Centre, Corryong
Free event
As the world is striving towards net zero, sectors that produce emissions are starting to find ways to change their processes to reduce their output of these gases. In the agriculture sector, it’s all about lowering the excess output of emissions through the precise application of fertilisers, herbicides, or other inputs, undertaking more fuel-efficient land management, along with added carbon sequestration projects, such as carbon farming.
Carbon emissions calculators enable the calculation of greenhouse gases produced at a property level. The calculator enables the calculation of total enterprise greenhouse gas emissions calculation as well as emissions intensity per product produced e.g., beef, sheepmeat, wool, grain.
Cam Nicholson will explore the use of carbon calculators on your farm. Ideally, we would like you to bring your own laptop in with your energy/diesel use figures, livestock numbers, the key dates for sales and kg sold.
Here for registration
This event is supported by the North East CMA, Agriculture Victoria, Upper Murray Inc and Upper Murray Landcare Network, with funding from the Victorian Government.
The Herd'25 conference has a program tailored to attract the herd improvement, genetics and animal performance industry. Featuring a strong lineup of speakers from Australia and worldwide.
Several world leaders are on the program this year and the Herd'25 gathering provides an opportunity for all interested in dairy herd improvement to unite, network and learn.
When: 12 and 13 March, 9:30 am.
Where: All-Seasons Resort Hotel, Bendigo.
Register for the event here.
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Contacting Agriculture Victoria
Call 136 186 from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles and public telephones).
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or
All contact points can be found at:
Don't forget to check out Agriculture Victoria's social media sites for up-to-date information and news.