The Conversation global network added a new edition this week – The Conversation Brazil launched on Monday. There are now editions of The Conversation publishing from 10 countries in five languages on six continents. The Conversation Canada – publishing in both English and French – is proud to be part of this growing media organization that is the world’ No. 1 source of research-based explanatory journalism.

Our global expansion comes at a time when the media sector in Canada is under tremendous stress. As most of our readers know, The Conversation Canada and La Conversation Canada have been impacted by the ongoing dispute between the federal government and tech giants Meta and Google over Bill C-18, the Online News Act. Canadians can no longer view or share our information on Facebook or Instagram fter the platform’s parent company, Meta, decided it will be “ending news availability in Canada.”

The Online News Act’s intention was to help some Canadian news organizations by legislating Meta and Google to pay outlets for the right to link to their content. But since the act was passed earlier this summer, Ottawa and Big Tech have been squaring off on how and when the provisions of the act will be implemented. The country is now in a bizarre situation where the viability of many news organizations will be determined by the actions of two multinational companies whose main responsibility is to their shareholders and not the Canadian public.

Regardless of how those ongoing negotiations play out, there will be little financial impact on The Conversation Canada. We don’t receive any funding from Meta or Google, but we would like the public to be able to access our content – for free – via their platforms. Sharing fact-based news as widely as possible is an important antidote to the plague of disinformation that is infecting our society.

We’re fortunate and proud to be part of The Conversation global network and so I wanted to use this weekend’s newsletter to highlight the breadth of coverage we provide to readers around the world. Below you will find some of the most popular articles from Canada’s English and French newsrooms (the latter which we’ve translated), as well as stories from our sister editions in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, South Africa, Indonesia, Australia/New Zealand – and the story our new colleagues in Brazil have written about their launch. (If you can’t read Portuguese, you can use the auto-translate function of your internet browser.)

Great content. Based on research. Written by experts. Edited by journalists. Free for the reading.

One way you could help us get around the ongoing dispute between Big Tech and Ottawa is to share this with friends and families who might be interested in signing up to receive our newsletter on a regular basis.

Have a great weekend. We’ll be back in your Inbox on Monday.

Scott White

CEO | Editor-in-Chief

Weekend Reads: A trip around the world

4 ways to rein in China and Russia, alleged superpower perpetrators of atrocity crimes

Kyle Matthews, Concordia University

The spectacle of two UN Security Council members — China and Russia — allegedly perpetrating mass atrocity crimes is deeply troubling. Here’s how the international community must step up.

Dogs don’t see life through rose-coloured glasses, nor in black and white

Langis Michaud, Université de Montréal

Your faithful companion sees the world differently than you do, but it’s a mistake to assume dogs only see black, white and shades of grey.

If anxiety is in my brain, why is my heart pounding? A psychiatrist explains the neuroscience and physiology of fear

Arash Javanbakht, Wayne State University

Although emotions like fear and anxiety originate in your brain, they ultimately travel through your body and make your heart race and your stomach twist.

Tory MP’s historic family links to slavery raise questions about Britain’s position on reparations

Paul Lashmar, City, University of London

Some UK families whose wealth largely derives from the transatlantic slave trade have agreed to pay reparations.

From menstrual leave to chronic illnesses: what if workplaces were kinder to our bodies?

Marie-Rachel Jacob, EM Lyon Business School

Should companies offer tailored timetables and workplaces on the basis of our different bodies, or are universal solutions, such as the four-day week, the way forward?

Sustainable tourism needs to be built with the help of locals

Alfonso Vargas Sánchez, Universidad de Huelva

Tourism must be economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. To this end, and given the sector’s weight in the economy, participatory governance in which there is room for all citizens is essential.

From fatal allergies to heart attacks and cholera – the devastating health effects of global warming in Africa

Lenore Manderson, University of the Witwatersrand

Africa’s future looks catastrophic if we don’t act now on climate change.

Unveiling the enigmatic world of moths: from ancient pollinators to whistling wonders

Mark Stevens, University of Adelaide

Moths are often overlooked as the poor cousin to butterflies, but they are truly remarkable creatures.

Sharing benefits from the UN’s deforestation reduction program remains challenging, here’s why

Sandy Nofyanza, Centre for International Forestry Research; Bimo Dwisatrio, Centre for International Forestry Research

REDD+ is a UN program to fight deforestation. But, have local and indigenous communities received their equitable benefits?

Chegamos! O mais novo portal da ciência brasileira está no ar

Daniel Stycer, The Conversation

O The Conversation, definitivamente, não é um site tradicional de notícias. Mas logo no nosso primeiro dia online, abrimos uma exceção para comunicar essa boa nova que estamos preparando há mais de cinco…