Community Update - June 2024 No images? Click here Dandenong Police Paddocks Reserve Master Plan and park upgrades Community and Stakeholder Update June 2024 - Issue 1 ![]() Above – Recent vegetation cutbacks on Belair Track This project is being delivered on Bunurong Country in partnership with Traditional Owners. Priority Safety Works Underway Following a $5 million Victorian Government investment in 2022, in addition to developing a reserve master plan, we’re delivering some early works to immediately improve the safety and presentation of the reserve, such as restoring walking trails, removal of dumped rubbish, installation of wayfinding signage and vegetation works. Once the master plan is complete, remaining funding will be used to protect the site’s values and enhance the ways that people can connect to this significant cultural, environmental, and recreational reserve. The master plan is currently being prepared in consultation with the Bunurong and Wurundjeri Traditional Owners. We expect a draft master plan to be available for public input in spring 2024. Information on the master plan is available here. Visitors to the reserve may have noticed recent vegetation thinning works along Brady Road. This involves removing thick undergrowth along some main thoroughfares to provide more open sightlines and create a stronger sense of safety and natural surveillance. Vegetation alongside the trails inside the reserve have been slashed to cut back overgrown vegetation and allow two people to walk, jog or ride side by side. This includes cutting back the reserve’s popular Woodland Circuit Walk – which is accessible either from the end of Brady Road or from the Baden Powell Drive sport field entrance. ![]() Above – before and after showing weedy undergrowth cutback to create clearer sightlines While you'll notice some works already completed, we’ve got more to come with gravel trail resurfacing and new wayfinding signage being delivered over the coming months. This will help better connect the reserve to Churchill National Park, Dandenong Creek Trail and the sporting fields to the south. We’ll also be introducing surveillance cameras to prevent rubbish dumping and vandalism on Brady Road and Baden Powell Drive. ![]() Above – before and after cutbacks along Brady Road Remember, the reserve is open 24 hours a day and dogs are welcome. It provides a more relaxed bushland/rural character that complements the nearby, busier and higher profile Lysterfield Park and Jells Park. Gravel bush trails throughout the bushland are great for walking, jogging and cycling. Dog walking is popular given dogs are prohibited in the adjacent national park. ![]() Above: the reserve is a great place to walk your dogs on lead ![]() Above: the reserve is abundant with native plants and animals like Eastern Grey Kangaroos ![]() Above: dumped rubbish along Brady Road has been cleaned up as part of priority early works. Things to do in the reserve There are many great trails to explore in the reserve but two of the best to try are to the lookout and historic area at Frankston Drive and the Woodland Circuit Walk.
The reserve has significant Aboriginal heritage and stories associated. We’ve been working closely with both Bunurong and Wurundjeri Traditional Owners to develop the master plan and ensure work is delivered in a sensitive way. We’re also discussing opportunities to better recognise and share Aboriginal stories from the area. We will have more to share with the community on the master plan soon. The reserve is also home to many native animal populations. Wedge-tailed Eagles and Black-shouldered Kites can often be seen flying overhead, and you are likely to spot Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Swamp Wallabies on early morning walks – just be careful to keep a safe distance and your dogs on a lead. Remember if you observe illegal activity or dumped rubbish, please report it to Parks Victoria 13 1963, or Victoria Police if urgent attention is needed via 000. For more information on the Dandenong Police Paddocks Reserve Master Plan project please visit our project website You are receiving this email as you are a stakeholder of Dandenong Police Paddocks Reserve or have subscribed. Parks Victoria, Level 10, 535 Bourke St, This email is being distributed using Campaign Monitor, you can read their privacy policy here. |