As Israel’s war with Hamas enters its eighth month, most Israelis continue to support the offensive in Gaza – but are increasingly losing confidence in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who even before the war started had a host of domestic problems.

Many people might find these two truths contradictory. But really, they reveal the complicated layers of Israel’s politics and national psyche, explains Arie Perliger.

Air turbulence can happen anywhere, but is far more common on some routes than on others. Climate change is expected to boost the chances of air turbulence, and make it more intense. In fact, some research indicates turbulence has already worsened over the past few decades. Doug Drury answers some top-of-mind questions.

Amy Lieberman

Politics + Society Editor

Most Israelis dislike Netanyahu, but support the war in Gaza – an Israeli scholar explains what’s driving public opinion

Arie Perliger, UMass Lowell

Israelis’ and Jewish people’s long-held feeling of persecution, dating back to biblical times, contributes to most Israelis’ desire to continue the war in Gaza.

How risky is turbulence on a plane? How worried should I be?

Hassan Vally, Deakin University

Air travel is safer than you might think, despite the publicity surrounding the recent Singapore Airlines incident. Here’s what’s going on to distort your perception of risk.

The mother of African dance at 80. Why Senegal’s Germaine Acogny is so influential

Lliane Loots, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Germaine Acogny has risen as a female artist who has defied stereotypes to become one of the world’s most revered dance makers.

Scarlett Johansson’s complaint to OpenAI is a new benchmark in the development of machine intelligence

David Reid, Liverpool Hope University

Scarlett Johansson said one of the five voices used for OpenAI’s new product sounded very like her.