Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse five weeks ago didn’t just spark a lot of financial volatility. It also reignited a debate over what the government needs to do to make banks more stable and less vulnerable to the kind of concerns that can make their customers freak out.

It can be hard to follow that debate if you’re not a banker. So I hope that a new article by Brian Gendreau, a University of Florida finance professor who earlier in his career worked for banks and the Federal Reserve, will help readers understand what’s on the table or soon could be. In addition to summing up many of the proposed reforms, he observes why it’s so hard to make banks less risky: “There are trade-offs between the financial stability of banks and market discipline,” he writes.

Also today:

Emily Schwartz Greco

Philanthropy + Nonprofits Editor

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is a big proponent of banking reforms. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

5 policies that could make future bank failures less likely or severe

Brian Gendreau, University of Florida

Financial crises are inevitably followed by legislation to restructure the banking system, and the ongoing problems with bank stability are likely to be no exception.

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