
Peace on Earth

As we head towards Christmas and celebrate the Prince of Peace coming into the world, it is hard to rationalise this truth with the world news that points to ever increasing violence and suffering. Some would even say it is utopian to imagine a world without conflict, suffering, injustice and poverty.

As we continue to pray for the DRC, and especially Beni, as they face atrocities that appear to be driven by those who seek economic benefit from instability, it is difficult to imagine peace for communities there. In a world in need of food, clean water, shelter and health access, we are astounded to see how much money goes into military activities. Societies even vote for leaders who promise to increase military expenditure!

How do we speak peace/shalom into contexts like these?

We can hope for the promise of peace when Christ returns. (Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3; Psalm 46:8-10). Revelation paints an exciting picture of wealth being shared, of no more death, no more war, no more suffering. The presence of the tree of life whose leaves will be used to heal the nations (Revelation 22:2) gives us a sense of hope and anticipation.

More than that – the level of reconciliation that God promises is one in which the lion and lamb lie down together (Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25).

This redemption and restoration includes not only humanity but all of creation, which we know is groaning for this to happen (Romans 8:22). We read in Revelation 5:13-14 that all creatures will be praising God.

What a joyful future to imagine, to hope for, to believe in and to move towards!

But what about today?

On the one hand we lament and protest against the injustice, the suffering, the conflict, and the poverty we see today, but on the other hand we rejoice in the knowledge that God will defeat evil and will bring peace.

Ambassadors and Servants

We are called to be Christ’s ambassadors of this New Kingdom. In everything we do and say we represent to our hurting world the truth of the new Kingdom and we live in its reality so that wherever we are, we are salt and light for people to taste and see the tangible evidence. We are also servants and follow in our Master’s footsteps to bring liberation, freedom, healing, comfort and hope to all around us. Jesus had time for the one in the crowd who needed his healing, as well as for the 5,000 on the hillside who needed to be fed.

As we pray, lament, protest and rejoice we declare the Kingdom of God, we proclaim the Good News in a world that so needs this truth.

Come, let's walk together!

Lord, bring healing in Africa

Sierra Leone: Our country is going through austerity measures as a result of bad management of resources by our political leaders. Sirajin Rollins

Zimbabwe: I kindly request your prayers for children and their families in Southern Zimbabwe. This part of the country is facing a severe drought due to the El Nino effect. Children are facing food shortages despite Government and NGO assistance. Livestock which is used as the major source of livelihood for families caring for these children is also dying in numbers. Rains have not started although this is the rainy season.Clever Khumalo

Zambia: Micah Zambia is working on a three-year plan starting in January 2017. During the month of November we have been working on plans for the Sustainable Agriculture campaign which will be launched in 2017. Martin Kapenda

DRC: Communities are being targetted and destroyed in Beni for the selfish and power gains of those who think they can act with impunity. We ask the international community to act on behalf of the people of Beni. Albert Baliesima

Lord, we ask you to end the drought and bring your life-giving rain to Southern Africa. We seek justice for the poor where corruption and poor governace has left nations deprived of their wellbeing. You see each life lost through hunger, disease and war - we call on you to act and bring shalom.

Set the captives free

Prisons are bulging around the world. Conditions in many prisons today are horrendous. Imagine then that you are imprisoned injustly, or further penalised because of your faith?

We thank God for Prison Ministries around the world and pray for their access and wisdom and compassion as they continue their work.

The Prison Mission Society in Pakistan asks us to pray with them for greater access as they seek to serve in difficult situations. They are also advocating with authorities on behalf of those who are suffering - please pray for positive outcomes. Rev Maurice Shahbaz

Micah Global

We have a number of celebrations from 2016 to hold before the Lord: New staff members, our first IM:press publications, new National Expressions (Moldova, Brazil, Honduras, Colombia, Nicaragua, Russia), new members, the new Board. Thank you Lord!

We have a number of laments from 2016 to protest before the Lord: Financial limitations leading to postponed or cancelled events, visa denials limiting participation in crucial workshops, work load pressures of national co-ordinators. Lord, we lay this before you.

As 2016 draws to an end, we are convinced that your call on is to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you, Lord. We see the growing need to be a voice, an example and a united action together for your Kingdom, for your Mission and for your Glory.

Lord, may we walk with you together.

A blessed Christmas and New Year.

Remembering Venezuela

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. 1 Cor 12:26

In September 2016 at our Latin American Regional Consultation in Honduras, a number of members had a growing concern for the deteriorating situation in Venezuela, which seems to have by-passed international news. How can we as a Micah Global community serve and be a blessing to our friends in Venezuela? For more on what is going on there, click here.

Lord, may we remember Venezuela and find ways to bless and serve them in this tough season.

Pray with us

Once a month Micah Global sends out a Prayer Focus (such as this one) that is used by groups, churches, organisations and individuals as a guide to pray about issues around the globe from our partners. Please send us any prayer requests you may have on your heart for your nation. Also, if you would like to be added to the Prayer Focus mailing list, email

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