During our skill building program for 2020-21 the Adelaide Primary Health Network and the Country SA Primary Health Network (PHN) presented about the free mental health community supports that are available to workers and the broader community in South Australia. With one in five workers affected by a mental health condition and the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of the community and workplaces, it’s never been more important to promote available support services to your workforce. In addition to an existing Employee Assistance Program, promoting free community supports will ensure workers are aware of a range of services, increasing their likelihood to take action and seek support when needed.
The two PHN’s in South Australia commission a range of primary mental health services and activities to respond to the health needs of the community. Services facilitate a provision of care from early intervention to mild, moderate, or more complex mental health conditions.
Adelaide Primary Health Network
The Adelaide Primary Health Network (PHN) commissions a wide range of mental health care services for the metropolitan area which is outlined in their summary of Primary Mental Health Care Services. A Mental Health Enquiry Line on 1300 898 213 is available from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excl. public holidays) to assist the community and professionals to access information regarding local support services.
One support service that the Adelaide PHN funds is the Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (LETSS). This service is an after-hours phone line and web chat support that is available for everyone in Adelaide metropolitan region, 365 days a year, from 5pm to 11.30pm, by phoning 1800 013 755. LETSS provides peer based non-clinical mental health information, navigation support and wellbeing checks. This service can provide much needed support to those who may be feeling alone, either themself or a family member/friend, and want to hear from someone who has experienced similar life
Visit the Adelaide PHN website to view the full range of services on offer.
Country SA Primary Health Network
The Country SA PHN commissions a wide range of mental health services across regional South Australia and covers all of SA, except for the Adelaide metropolitan area.
One free support service that Country SA funds is Regional Access, which is a 24/7 low intensity psychological service for those who are feeling the pressures and stresses of everyday life. The counselling service is available for anyone 15 years or older who lives or works in regional, rural and remote South Australia and provides up to three short-term counselling sessions. You can call 1300 032 186 to access the service and no referral is needed.
To find out about the range of free mental health support services commissioned in your local regional area, visit the Country SA PHN website or phone 08 8565 8900.