Happy New Year to all readers of The Conversation Canada!

Over the past 12 months, you were with us as we published over 1,600 articles by more than 1,800 authors in English and French about arts, business, culture, education, environment, health, politics and science.

These articles by The Conversation Canada, together with our French-language edition La Conversation Canada, were viewed over 38 million times. About one-third of our audience came from Canada, with another third from the United States and the remainder from overseas, including France, the United Kingdom and Australia, home of The Conversation's first edition.

Not only did you read — you also listened. You downloaded Don't Call Me Resilient, our podcast about race and racism hosted and produced by Vinita Srivastava, over 120,000 times since its launch 24 months ago. You also streamed our collection of stories with audio narrations, which has grown to over 600 articles, with new ones added every weekday.

And you watched us, too: We partnered with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for ‘In Conversation With,’ a series of virtual talks with Canada’s leading scholars on topics ranging from Russia to Indigenous knowledge.

We’d like to thank you for subscribing to our newsletter and being part of our most loyal audience. This past year, you generously supported our first donation campaign, which will help us bring even more to you in 2023. If you have any suggestions for what you’d like to see in the New Year, please reach out to our editors at ca-editorial@theconversation.com or connect with The Conversation on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Now, let’s take a look back at our Top 10 stories published in English in 2022.

Lisa Varano

Deputy Editor

Year in Review: Most Read Stories of 2022

No. 1: Alzheimer’s might not be primarily a brain disease. A new theory suggests it’s an autoimmune condition.

Donald Weaver, University of Toronto

Alzheimer’s may not be primarily a disease of the brain. It may be a disorder of the immune system within the brain. Beta-amyloid may not be an abnormal protein, but part of the brain’s immune system.

No. 2: Myocarditis: COVID-19 is a much bigger risk to the heart than vaccination

Glen Pyle, University of Guelph; Jennifer H Huang, Oregon Health & Science University

Myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination is rare, and the risk is much smaller than the risks of cardiac injury linked to COVID-19 itself.

No. 3: The hidden world of octopus cities and culture shows why it’s wrong to farm them

Kristin Andrews, York University, Canada

Octopus build cities, establish hierarchies and show social group behaviours. Domesticating will mean creating a new kind of octopus, with ecological and ethical implications.

No. 4: 6 ways Canadians can prepare for the upcoming recession

Walid Hejazi, University of Toronto; George Georgopoulos, York University, Canada

With a recession seeming imminent, many Canadians are rightfully concerned about the state of their finances. Here are some ways you can be prepared for one.

No. 5: The Russian economy is headed for collapse

Eric Werker, Simon Fraser University

With Russia’s “great power status” tied closely to economic power, the country’s crumbling economy is putting Putin’s claims to legitimacy at risk.

No. 6: How Danielle Smith won in Alberta and what it means for Canada

Lisa Young, University of Calgary

Danielle Smith’s win in the UCP leadership race follows the populist playbook. Will her time in office be a brief interlude, or the start of a significant challenge to national unity?

No. 7: Chechens fighting in Ukraine: Putin’s psychological weapon could backfire

Aurélie Campana, Université Laval

Faced with the military difficulties of the Russians in Ukraine, psychological warfare has become a strategic element. The presence of Chechen soldiers is part of the effort to destabilize Ukraine.

No. 8: Time travel could be possible, but only with parallel timelines

Barak Shoshany, Brock University

Scientifically speaking, for time travel to exist, so must parallel timelines. This theory addresses the paradoxes that arise when studying the possibility of time travel.

No. 9: How the self-proclaimed ‘Queen of Canada’ is causing true harm to her subjects

Christine Sarteschi, Chatham University

Romana Didulo has declared herself the Queen of Canada. Thousands of people follow her and her outlandish conspiracy theories, and here’s why that’s so dangerous.

No. 10: Why did Russia invade Ukraine? FAQs about the conflict that has shocked the world

Jars Balan, University of Alberta

The reasons for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are complicated and based on centuries of history between the two countries. A Ukrainian scholar provides some background.