![]() A monthly newsletter keeping our HDR community informed and connected. D E A N ' S W E L C O M EOn behalf of the Office of Graduate Research, it is my pleasure to welcome you to a new academic year, and to our first newsletter for 2024. I hope you had a restful break, and are ready for an exciting year of Fearless Research and Discovery. A special welcome to our new cohort of HDR students. Whether you have previously studied at Flinders, or moved around the world to join us, I am sure you will soon discover the excitement of being on the cutting edge of knowledge creation and discovery, that is our everyday business at Flinders. To our returning HDR students, I hope you find that 2024 continues to be rewarding, as you progress towards achieving your goals. As always, the OGR is here to support you through all stages of your HDR journey. You can reach the HDR teams via various methods, refer to the HDR Contacts. Once again, welcome back, and here's to a successful 2024. ![]()
Tim Cavagnaro H D R I N F O C U S![]() Get to know PhD Student - Safeyn Mridul Safeyn recently participated in the Sport Management Association of Australian and New Zealand 3MT Competition where he placed 2nd. W E L C O M EIntroducing our new higher degree by research students who started this semester. We welcome you into the Flinders HDR community and look forward to following your journey. Bahar Amani (SE) Laura Birchmore (NHS) R E C E N T L Y C O M P L E T E D S T U D E N T SCongratulations to the students who completed in the last month. The University recognises that a higher degree by research represents a considerable achievement, reflecting hard work and a high level of commitment and dedication. Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment! Vanessa Alexander (EPSW) Clare Beard (MPH) W H A T ' S N E WExams Graduation Deadline for April CeremonyThe April graduation ceremonies will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre between Tuesday 16 and Thursday 18 April. Details of specific college/course ceremony date and times for the ceremonies will be advertised in early February and will be available here. All eligible graduates will be emailed details about how to book in February 2024. If you are currently undertaking your amendments and want to attend the April ceremony please ensure they are submitted by Friday 8 March. HDR Students and New City CampusThe new City Campus doors will open in February 2024. The new City Campus at Festival Plaza is set over 8 levels and is easily accessible, located next to the Adelaide Railway Station. The Festival Plaza building is open from 7:00am to 10:00pm. All HDR students are welcome at the new City Campus. Part Time Position OpportunityThe MA International Relations in Economy and Trade (MAIRET) Team are currently advertising a part-time (20 hours a week) Academic support Officer position performing teaching support. Farrer Memorial International Travelling ScholarshipsThe Scholarships are designed to support international travel to include attendance at an international conference at which a paper or poster is being presented. Australian Bureau of Statistics Confidentialised datasetsThe Australian Bureau of Statistics/Universities Australia agreement allows researchers from our university to apply for free of charge access to various confidentialised datasets. An update on a range of secondary confidentialised data access opportunities is available. 2024 Australian Graduate Women FellowshipsAustralian Graduate Women is pleased to announce that in 2024 it will award three Fellowships for enrolled PhD students in both HASS and any discipline at an Australian university. Update Your DetailsAs we begin a new semester please ensure your contact details, such as address, phone and email are up to date so you don’t miss any important communication. You can update your information in the My Details area in the Student System. If you need to change any other personal information but unable to in the My Details section, please visit or contact Flinders Connect. Attention Supervisors - CSIRO Industry PhD Program 2024 openCSIRO's Industry PhD (iPhD) program brings together an industry partner, a university and Australia’s leading science agency, CSIRO, to co-develop a four-year industry-focused PhD project. The next round of Expressions of Interest has opened, and an information session will be held on 7 Feb 12pm to brief researchers. Register for session here, or view the website for further information on this opportunity. Final Call - HDR Annual Satisfaction SurveyThere is still time to take part in the 2023 Annual HDR Student Satisfaction Survey. One last $100 is up for grabs, and will be drawn on Monday 5 February. The feedback collected from this survey will directly influence the OGR as well as college and university services offered in 2024 and beyond, so please take the time to tell us how we can best support you in the future. M I N D Y O U R S E L F![]() The Be Well PlanThe Be Well Plan is a core mental health and wellbeing training option for students, arising from a collaboration between Health, Counselling and Disability Services and Be Well Co. The program teaches you actionable strategies for improving your mental health and resilience. Learn more about the program, when it is running, and how to RSVP. ![]() Studyology -what is it?Studyology is an online program for overcoming procrastination and study avoidance. U P C O M I N G D E V E L O P M E N T S E S S I O N SHDR Development Drop-in SessionsAre you looking for some advice about your research project? Want to soundboard your methods or thesis structure with someone outside of your supervisory team? Have a question about using Qualtrics? Want some help with your skills needs analysis? Or tracking your skill development in Inspire? Attend a drop-in session with a HDR Education Advisor to get some help with these things and more. More Opportunities
N E E D H E L P ?Any questions about your HDR studies? Please reach out!Dean of Graduate Research - Leadership, Policy, Strategy You can also contact HDR Student Representatives with any HDR candidature matters. |