Happy Sunday − and Happy Holidays!
The Conversation is the world’s largest publisher of Creative Commons-licensed news, and we hope to make our work available to you wherever you get your news. So here’s a brief list of some of the apps where you can find us and how you can make sure that you get our research-based news there, alongside the usual clickbait.
If you have an iPhone, you can tell Apple News you’d like to see our stories in two ways: Tap on the “Following” icon at lower right, search “The Conversation” and tap the + button next to our name. You can also go directly to our channel page, click on the three-dot icon at upper right and choose “Follow channel.” Once you read a story from The Conversation, you can tap the tiny thumbs-up icon at the top of the screen and choose “Suggest
If you use the Google News app, go to our profile page and tap the star at the top of the screen, or tap the “Following” icon at the bottom of your screen and search for us.
Yahoo! News is one of our largest republishers, and if you use their news app, you can add a section of our latest headlines. The easiest way to do that is to go to one of our stories in the app (like this one), tap “The Conversation” at the top of the article and then tap the star icon on our profile page. Similarly on SmartNews, go to a story in the app, and tap the small “+ The Conversation” button at the top of the page.
You can also follow us on the Microsoft Start (the news feed on Windows computers), NewsBreak and Flipboard aggregator apps.
A new news app that I just found out about in the past few weeks is NewsMast, released by a nonprofit organization that is aiming to make Mastodon easier to use by organizing it into different communities. You can follow
our account there.
If you’d prefer for us to just text you, we’re trying that out, too. Sign up here for the daily text message.
Thanks to the support of readers like you, we are able to reach a growing audience in these apps, on social media and, of course, on our website. Please donate today to help us reach even more people with reliable, research-based information. Thank you.
Below you’ll find our most popular stories of 2023 on various apps and platforms – and please reply to this email if you get your news somewhere we haven’t mentioned, so I can help with that.