Accurate information is vital to a healthy democracy and to the safety of its citizens. The Conversation is dedicated to spreading research-based journalism written by experts to our readers around the world. The need has never been greater for this.

As we approach the end of our fiscal year, we face the likelihood that some of our funders will be forced to cut back their support in coming months.

Your monthly donation will help sustain us, as we continue to do this public service, whether it is $5 or $20 or more. A one-time gift would help too.

Thank you in advance for giving what you can. Here’s a sampling of the informative journalism reader generosity has supported today:

Beth Daley

Editor and General Manager

A growing number of Americans are feeling financial stress and unable to afford basics like food and health care. AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Americans’ deepening financial stress could make the coronavirus a lot harder to contain

David Salkever, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

A third of Americans experiencing significant financial stress say they wouldn't contact a doctor if they experienced coronavirus symptoms.

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