![]() FEBRUARY 2025In this month’s spotlight you can read about the impact of Saver Plus over its 21 years and our positions on a range of disability topics. The latest BSL Talks recording: Removing employment barriers for young people with disability is also featured. You can read more about our current work at www.bsl.org.au/research and also browse our policy submissions. Please share this policy and research update with your colleagues and encourage them to subscribe. RECORDING: REMOVING EMPLOYMENT BARRIERS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WITH DISABILITYOur 29 November BSL Talks was titled ‘Opening opportunities: removing employment barriers for young people with disability’. The panelists looked at ways to address the culture of low expectations for young people with disability and to create systems that support a successful transition from education into decent and meaningful employment. Our panel included youth advocate Maddison Bergen, Swinburne Centre for Social Impact’s Dr Jenny Crosbie and an employer who has been actively championing inclusion in his workplace, Damien Charles, Regional Manager Northern Territory at NEC Australia. The discussion was facilitated by BSL Chief of Services, Julie Ware. Watch the talk Opening opportunities: removing employment barriers for young people with disability SYMPOSIUM: DEFINING AND MEASURING POVERTYAs part of our ongoing work towards better understanding real rates of poverty in Australia, in November we also held the ‘Defining and Measuring Poverty Symposium’ in partnership with Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research at the University of Melbourne. The symposium was opened by Prof Beth Webster (Director, Melbourne Institute) and Dr Travers McLeod (Executive Director, BSL). More than 60 public servants, advocates, industry experts, academics and people with lived experience discussed a proposed model for defining and measuring poverty in Australia. The Defining and measuring poverty project is part of the partnership between BSL and the University of Melbourne. The symposium build on the visit from Prof. Sabina Alkire who shared her expertise on the development of Multidimensional Poverty Indexes. REPORT: SAVER PLUS AT 21BSL, with ANZ, recently published Saver Plus at 21, a report building on previous Saver Plus evaluations. It investigates the impact of Saver Plus after 21 years of delivery, exploring the long-term impact of the program on savings, financial skills and confidence. We also explore the effect of these changes on overall resilience. In undertaking this evaluation, we surveyed 953 previous Saver Plus participants between November and December 2023 to understand their financial situation, behaviours and attitudes following the program. We conducted in-depth interviews with 25 past participants in early 2024. Program data, including enrolment and budget data, were also analysed. This research was awarded runner up in the 2024 SIMNA Awards Excellence in Social Impact Measurement category. Read the report by Dr Emily Porter, Dr Dina Bowman, Dr Mitali Panchal, Prof. Peter Fairbrother and Dr Marcus Banks, Saver Plus at 21: building resilience that lasts (PDF, 3.8 MB) SUBMISSION: A NEW SPECIALIST DISABILTY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM BSL welcomed the opportunity to comment on the future direction of disability employment services. We recommend a system that is people centred and place centred, with effective and empowering pathways to economic and social participation. A critical part of disability employment services is meaningful engagement between people with disability, providers and job plan requirements. There needs to be a clear plan to operationalise meaningful engagement at the provider level that includes roles and responsibilities and accountability mechanisms. BSL recommends that service providers co-produce job plans alongside people with disability, as demonstrated in some of our programs and services. This would ensure the participant’s real goals, needs and circumstances are represented. It would hold both providers and participants accountable for achieving the goals set out in their job plan and ensuring the goals are aligned to their aspirations and interests. Read the submission, A new specialist disability employment program (PDF, 285 KB) POLICY: FOUNDATIONAL SUPPORTS BSL has also submitted to consultations on General Foundational Supports and Foundational Supports for children with developmental concern, and/or disability. We see the Foundational Supports Strategy as critical to the wellbeing of millions of people in Australia living with disability who cannot access the NDIS. Our recommendations for any Foundational Supports are that government advance reforms to the disability supports ecosystem in a clear and coherent manner; and there is adequate resourcing for Foundational Supports to meet demand. We recommend that the Foundational Support Strategy include the provision of local, physical spaces for people to visit if they need information, advice or referrals, and built-in mechanisms to identify service gaps for people with disability. Foundational Supports must also be integrated into mainstream supports and the strategy must include a ‘no wrong door’ approach. Without this, the expertise of key workers will be missed in the referral pathway and opportunities for support lost. BSL made eight recommendations for Foundational Supports for children, including that federal and state/territory governments co-invest in:
If given the opportunity, BSL’s work, insights and networks, especially in early childhood, and peer support – along with the pilot projects we are undertaking to test elements of the NDIS Review recommendations – can contribute valuable input to the Strategy. Read our submissions: A disability support system that leaves no-one behind (PDF, 352 KB); Supporting children where they live, learn and play (PDF, 489 KB) BSL LIBRARY: ALWAYS LEARNINGThe BSL library team undertakes ongoing professional development to upskill our capabilities. Recent activities include attending courses on copyright fundamentals in Australia, conferences on libraries and emerging technologies (VALA 2024) and the Research Applications in Information and Library Studies conference (RAILS). Continuous development of our skills helps us develop and broaden our knowledge and skills so we can anticipate and respond to the needs of the BSL Library, our members and a changing society. You can contact the library at library@bsl.org.au ![]() Shanshan He is the Executive Assistant to Director of the Social Policy and Research Centre, Nicole Bieske. She has an background in logistics and account management, organising up to 67 clients at a time. During the 2020 lockdowns, Shanshan joined BSL as a Community Engagement Officer through Jobs Victoria. She quickly transitioned into a role as Administrative Support Officer, working with coordinators and all participants across parenting programs, before taking the opportunity to work as EA in the Work, Economic Security and Social Inclusion (WESSI) team. Shanshan has been in the Social Policy and Research Centre since 2023. ![]() Keep up to date with BSL's work by subscribing to our free e-newsletters. Support our research and programs to make change that lasts. BSL Social Policy and Research Centre © Brotherhood of St. Laurence 2023 ABN 24 603 467 024 ARBN 100 042 822 The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) is a social justice organisation that works to prevent and alleviate poverty across Australia. You are receiving this email as you have previously subscribed to the BSL Research and Policy Centre e-newsletter. To unsubscribe, please click on the link below. |