Patients with autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, often have nightmares before a flare-up. In a new study, one person described these nightmares as “horrific, like murders, like skin coming off people”. And it’s not just nightmares that presage an attack, some talk of hallucinations during the daytime. Another patient described these daytime hallucinations as feeling like Alice in Wonderland.Hallucinations are stigmatising, so patients prefer the term “daymares”.

What’s critical, though, is that patients tell their doctors about these nightmares and daymares, and that doctors take them seriously – something that doesn’t always happen. This new study is part of a growing body of evidence that nightmares are associated with neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

I was surprised to learn this week that Chile has the largest population of Palestinians outside of the Middle East. Read this fascinating story about Club Deportivo Palestino, Chile’s much-loved Palestinian football team. And find out about a new film that charts the voyage of an all-women crew who crossed oceans to sample microplastic pollution, from one of the researchers who took part.

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Clint Witchalls

Senior Health Editor


Nightmares could be an early warning sign of an autoimmune disease flare-up – new study

Melanie Sloan, University of Cambridge

Nightmares and day-time hallucinations often precede lupus flare-ups.

Supporters of Club Deportivo Palestino at a match v Deportes Copiapó, at Estadio Municipal de La Cisterna, Santiago, Chile. Carlos yo / Wikimedia Commons

Why Chile has a Palestinian football team – the bigger history

Mary Katherine Newman, University of Oxford

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Eleanor Church / X Trillion film

I sailed across oceans in search of microplastics – a new film charts my journey

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