Minor problem | You’ve got to be kitten me | Glass half full No images? Click here Minor problem An Instagram ad for an international fast fashion company was found to breach the Code of Ethics last month after the Community Panel found that the content sexualised a minor. Advertisers must not use sexual appeal in ads featuring people who are or appear to be under 18. The ad was posted by a young influencer posing in a black dress with cut outs and included a special discount code. In a written response the advertiser argued that the content was not advertising, however the Panel considered that it met the definition of advertising in the Code because the post promoted the brand, tagged the brand and shared a special discount code. You've got to be kitten me An entertainment company’s ad for a mobile game has breached Section 2.3 (Violence) of the Code of Ethics. The ad showed an animated cat floating up into the air, holding onto a box, before falling and hitting the ground. Blood spreads on the ground as its kittens gather crying. The Community Panel noted that while the theme of this game was to create a space for a sick or injured cat to heal, the ad depicts violence and simulated animal cruelty which is inappropriate in the context of advertising a non-violent puzzle game. Glass half full A complaint about an outdoor ad for a whiskey brand featuring Hollywood actress Anna Paquin was considered by the Community Panel last month. The complainant commented that they found the ad sexist, demeaning to women and in poor taste. Though the complainant considered the ad sexist, the Community Panel noted that the aim of the ad was to be inclusive and challenge the stereotype that whisky is a ‘man’s drink’. Finding that the ad did not portray material in a way which discriminates against or vilifies a person or section of the community on account of gender, the complaint was dismissed. You can find all determinations from the Ad Standards Community Panel online at AdStandards.com.au/cases We’re looking for new Ad Standards Community Panel members The Ad Standards Community Panel is the centrepiece of Australia’s advertising self-regulatory system. We’re looking to add some new faces - and voices – who can represent community views about advertising content. Community Panel members may have an interest in, and views on, advertising content but do not work in the advertising or marketing industry. Applications close 9 September 2022. AANA Children's Advertising Code Review A reminder that submissions to the AANA’s review of the Children’s Code close tomorrow, Friday 5 August 2022. Read the discussion paper to find out more. |