There are few institutions more important to human history than slavery and marriage. Throughout history, these two institutions were closely interconnected - for instance, slave owners could force their slaves to marry, remain unmarried, or separate them from their spouses. Benedetta Rossi reveals how, even though slavery in Africa was abolished 250 years ago, the relationship between slavery and marriage continues to exist in places, but in different forms.

Jazz musicians played a major role in celebrating black life and resisting apartheid in South Africa. No record label was to be more important in elevating their sounds than As-Shams, founded in the corner of a general store in downtown Johannesburg. Gwen Ansell reports on the incredible work being done today to restore and re-release the As-Shams archive.

Godfred Boafo

Commissioning Editor: Ghana

Slavery’s historical link to marriage is still at play in some African societies

Benedetta Rossi, UCL

The voices and actions of women who were enslaved reveal how oppression works and what made a difference to those exposed to it

South Africa’s hidden jazz history is being restored album by album

Gwen Ansell, University of Pretoria

The legendary As-Shams jazz label has released the first of several compilation albums recovered from its archive.

Peace in the DRC: East Africa has deployed troops to combat M23 rebels – who’s who in the regional force

Jenna Russo, City University of New York

The region’s forces are seen as important in addressing the long-running conflict in the DRC – but their involvement is complicated.

Ruth Weiss, journalist who fought apartheid, finally honoured in South Africa

Melanie Boehi, University of the Witwatersrand

Weiss witnessed atrocities in Germany and South Africa and railed against them, becoming a towering figure as a writer and poet.

TC Afrique

Ghetto Kids : ce qui se cache derrière les pas de danse de la troupe ougandaise qui a conquis le monde

Francesca Negro, Universidade de Lisboa

Les orphelins ougandais ont fait la une des journaux après avoir participé à l'émission Britain’s Got Talent, mais ils font sensation sur Internet depuis des années.

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