Discussions about the impacts of racism have become more prevalent in recent years, and that has seen the rise of a new series of terms and acronyms for racialized people. Think BIPOC, IBPOC, AAPI, BAME and so on. Those acronyms can do good by highlighting the similar ways racism impacts different communities. But, as Michaela M. McGuire of Simon Fraser University writes, they can also undermine and gloss over people’s identities.

Today in The Conversation Canada, McGuire explains why we should stop using BIPOC — an acronym for “Black, Indigenous and People of Colour.”

“When I first heard the acronym BIPOC, my stomach tightened and I immediately felt resistance,” she writes. “It was a gut reaction at having my identities seemingly collapsed into an acronym.”

“Racial justice requires recognizing the distinct and socially situated identities of racialized people and providing space for those with diverse identities.”

A new season of our podcast about race, Don’t Call Me Resilient, hosted by Vinita Srivastava, also returns next week. You can listen to the trailer for Season 6 now to hear what we’re working on for the upcoming episodes. Each week, we’ll be taking our sharply focused anti-racist lens to the news stories unfolding around us.

Follow the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favourite podcast app.

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All the best.

Ibrahim Daair

Culture + Society Editor

The term BIPOC amalgamates distinct experiences of racism and colonialism and misses those that do not fit within one category, like individuals of mixed ancestry. (Shutterstock)

Why we should stop using acronyms like BIPOC

Michaela M. McGuire, Simon Fraser University

Acronyms like BIPOC can highlight the similar ways racism impacts different people. However, they can also gloss over the distinct experiences of communities.

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La Conversation Canada

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Benoit A. Aubert, HEC Montréal; Gregory Vial, HEC Montréal; Ryad Titah, HEC Montréal

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