Hi reader, check out the redesigned Northern Ag News and let me know what you think. 😀 No images? Click here ![]() Thursday 6 February 2025 Will emergency services be able to access your property?![]() Make sure roadside numbers are visible, vegetation around gates, culverts and bridges has been cleared, and gates are wide enough and easy to open. Check out the tips and templates on our website. Japanese Encephalitis![]() A confirmed human case of Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been identified in a resident of northern Victoria, the first case of JE in Victoria this mosquito season. JE virus has also been detected through environmental surveillance in northern Victoria along the Murray River, and in mosquitoes and feral pigs in New South Wales this summer. These findings indicate that JE virus is likely circulating in northern Victoria this summer. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Residents and people visiting northern Victoria, particularly inland riverine regions and near the Murray River, are potentially at higher risk of infection and should take measures to prevent mosquito bites. Avoid mosquito bites by using mosquito repellent containing picaridin or diethyltoluamide (DEET) on all exposed skin. Wear long, loose fitting clothing when outside, and ensure accommodation, including tents are properly fitted with mosquito nettings or screens. In Victoria, JE vaccine is available free-of-charge for specific groups at higher risk of exposure to the virus, including eligible people in 24 high-risk LGAs in northern Victoria. Clinicians should test for JE virus in patients with compatible illness and notify the Department of Health immediately of suspected cases by calling 1300 651 160 (24 hours). Vet Talk – Get it right – is your animal fit to load?![]() Dr Jeff Cave, Agriculture Victoria Senior Veterinary Officer It is important to remember, if you are the person in charge of an animal, it is your responsibility for its welfare. Community values and expectations will not accept anything less. It always pleases me when someone reaches out to ask, ‘is this animal fit to load?’ If you are in doubt about an animal’s suitability for transport, you can always ask your private veterinarian the question also. Furthermore, there is a Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) guideline titled ‘Is the animal fit to load?’. This guideline can be viewed on MLA’s website. In summary, an animal is not fit to load if it’s:
If you identify an animal that is unfit to load you have a few options. You could treat the animal and transport it when it has recovered and is fit to load. Naturally, this is not an option in cases that are not readily treatable. Alternatively, you could humanely destroy the animal. A knackery service is available in many areas to help with this option. Finally, you could consult a veterinarian and only transport under veterinary advice. MLA’s Fit to load guidelines can be found here Fit to load | Meat & Livestock Australia For further advice contact your local veterinarian or Agriculture Victoria veterinary or animal health officer, or in NSW your Local Land Services. Victoria's ToBRFV eradication response continuesAgriculture Victoria continues to respond to a recent detection of tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) at a glasshouse tomato facility in northern Victoria. The facility has closed temporarily and remains under quarantine to ensure the highly contagious plant virus doesn't spread beyond the facility. Victoria's Deputy Chief Plant Health Officer Dr Stephen Dibley said Agriculture Victoria is working with the affected business to assist them to eradicate the disease and guide a return to business in line with the nationally agreed response plan developed with industry input. 'Every effort is being made to eradicate ToBRFV from the Victorian property to protect Australia’s $5.8 billion vegetable industry and the $2.8 billion plant nursery industry from the impacts of this virus.' ‘Agriculture Victoria has a national responsibility to maintain strong biosecurity controls to protect the tomato and capsicum industry and the thousands of employees who support it, as well as the broader supply chain.' ‘ToBRFV can cause serious economic damage to tomato, capsicum and chilli crops, with yield losses of up to 70% and reduced marketable fruit yield by 10-15%. We are taking this situation very seriously and doing what is required to protect the industry.’ 'While challenging for individual businesses, there is a destruction and decontamination process detailed in the agreed National Response Plan that all facilities with a positive detection are required to follow to enable a safe return to trade.' ‘Agriculture Victoria is assisting with the safe removal and disposal of plant materials, decontamination of the premises and will coordinate rigorous diagnostic testing to get the business back into operation as soon as possible,' Dr Dibley said. The virus was detected at the property on 14 January following surveillance and testing of seedlings that originated from a South Australian business. Agriculture Victoria has been working with the facility owner since the positive detection was made. A Support Hub has been established at the Katunga Recreation Reserve, currently operating from Monday to Friday from 10am - 2pm, coordinated by Moira Shire Council. The Support Hub will continue to operate as long as necessary to support those directly impacted by the temporary closure of the impacted business including workers, suppliers and their families. Moira Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Matthew Morgan said the hub brings together relevant agencies who can provide support services covering financial advice, employment matters and general wellbeing. 'This is a challenging situation for the business, its employees and the broader community, and we encourage anyone needing support to please get in contact with us through the Hub for confidential advice and referrals,' Mr Morgan said. Victorian tomato and capsicum producers and home gardeners are encouraged to monitor their crops and to contact Agriculture Victoria if they suspect the disease might be present. Producers should make a report if they suspect the presence of ToBRFV in their crops. You can: Report ToBRFV online or phone the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881. Details about the Support Hub are available from Moira Shire Council. Episode 1: Connecting AgTech Innovation, with Arianna SippelEpisode 1: Connecting AgTech Innovation, with Arianna Sippel Welcome to the third and final season of AgTech Innovators. How do AgTech start-ups connect with investors, researchers, and other complementary technologies? To step it all out, Arianna Sippel from growAg, a platform that helps AgTech startups connect and grow domestically and internationally, joins us. Have your say on strengthening Victoria’s biosecurity lawsWe are seeking your feedback on 2 proposals aimed at strengthening the state’s biosecurity system – critical to protecting agriculture, public health, animal welfare, and market access. Acting Executive Director at Agriculture Victoria, Kris Duthie invites farmers, veterinarians, livestock owners, agricultural and horticultural businesses, including nursery, and the general public, to have their say on two proposals. The Small Scale Fixed and Mobile Abattoir eGuideA clear and practical eGuide that outlines the necessary steps for people to pursue their own abattoir proposal is now available online. The eGuide, ‘Small Scale Fixed and Mobile Abattoir guideline’, has been developed to assist farmers, consultants, and planners in navigating the approvals process for establishing on-farm, small scale fixed and mobile abattoirs. Online Farm Business Resilience course commencingDelivered by AgVic in partnership with Rural People Co, each session will commence at 12 pm and run for 2 to 3 hours. Funded by the Australian Government and Victorian Government through the Future Drought Fund, please contact Sarah Clack at sarah.clack@agriculture.vic.gov.au or call 0417 316 345 for more information. Be on the look out for Brown marmorated stink bugAgriculture Victoria is encouraging all Victorians to keep a look out for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) to help respond to detections near the international ports and ensure the pest does not establish. BMSB is a hitchhiker pest that tries to cross our borders by hiding inside imported shipping containers, machinery, goods and packaging – especially between September and April. Irrigation Farmers Network field dayGrowers, researchers, and industry leaders will gather in Wandella for the Irrigation Farmers Network (IFN) Summer Cropping Field Day on Thursday, 13 February. The event will focus on delivering the latest research insights and agronomy strategies to help growers maximise returns from their summer crop inputs. The event will feature a networking session and lunch in the sponsors’ trade area, offering growers access to expert advice on water, irrigation, agronomy and crop management. ![]() Tackling the Tough TopicsThe National Centre for Farmer Health has recently released a handbook titled Tackling the Tough Topics outlining best practice guidelines to help individuals and groups plan successful farming community events with a mental health focus. The guidelines seek to provide the knowledge, resources, and support needed to organise successful events and avoid potential problems that can be damaging to vulnerable individuals and/or their communities. What's OnDetails about Agriculture Victoria events can now be found in one spot at agriculture.vic.gov.au/events. Online Farm Business Resilience ProgramJoin this online course to build knowledge and skills to strengthen your farm business and be better equipped to manage risks associated with a variable climate. Date: 12 Feb, 12-3 pm Grains Research Update Location: Ulumbarra Theatre, Gaol Road, Bendigo Pasture Recovery WorkshopAn event to assist farmers impacted by recent floods, fires and drought. Location: 4 Codrington Street, Raglan GRDCHerbicide behaviour workshop Location: Horsham Golf Club, Horsham Grains Research Update Location: Ulumbarra Theatre, Gaol Road, Bendigo Webinar – On-Farm Emissions Action Plan Pilot UpdateJoin our upcoming webinar to hear from our On-Farm Emissions Action Plan pilot team. The team has been working with 250 farm businesses across Victoria to estimate their emissions profile and identify actions to manage and reduce emissions while maintaining productivity. The team will provide an update and share insights on the emissions pilot and participant Jonathan Jenkin will discuss his experience with the program and how they have used their action plan and knowledge of their emissions to make changes on the farm. When: Thurs 27 February – 12 pm ![]() Sustainable property management through Healthy Hectares projectSmall property land managers in the North East are invited to a free Healthy Hectares introductory session on Thurs, 6 March, from 7-8 pm at The Centre for Continuing Education, Wangaratta. This session offers an overview of the innovative Healthy Hectares program, a series of 6 tailored workshops delivered over 7 months, starting April. HERD 25Herd'25 is a biennial conference with a program tailored to attract the herd improvement, genetics and animal performance industry. Location: All Seasons Resort Hotel, Bendigo ![]() Contacting Agriculture VictoriaCall 136 186 from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles and public telephones). If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or www.relayservice.gov.au All contact points can be found at: agriculture.vic.gov.au/about-us/contact-us This newsletter is distributed by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. Were you forwarded this email? Subscribe now. |