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Return to Work Coordinator news
Tips for working with GPs and work capacity certificates

An injured worker’s GP is a key facilitator to safe and sustained recovery and return to work. Building transparent and trusting relationships with a worker’s GP can help to avoid barriers to recovery and maintain good engagement from all parties.

A good GP will not only provide evidence based treatment, they will also promote self-responsibility for the worker to manage their injury, reinforce the health benefits of work and the importance of returning to work, and also positively engage with all relevant parties including you as the Return to Work Coordinator.

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Recapping Mental Health Month - but don’t stop now!

Mental Health Month which is held in October is an ideal opportunity for workplaces, as part of the community, to provide a spotlight on mental health, have meaningful conversations and to pose the question “What more can my workplace do to create a positive, thriving and healthy workplace”?

Mental health does not stop at the end of Mental Health Month. Now is a good time to keep the momentum going or, if you couldn’t get involved in October, to make a start. Discover some good tools, resources and supports to keep mental health front of mind at your workplace.

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Bartender wearing face mask
Protecting your business and people from COVID-19 – beyond the basics

Workplaces play an important role in the prevention of harm to their people and, by extension, the broader community. They are also responsible by law to keep people safe from COVID-19 at work.

With the opening of borders and anticipated increase in infections, employers need to look at what else they can do to protect their business and people from COVID.

Learn how your business can level-up your COVID-safe practices and be an advocate to your workforce when it comes to keeping us all safe and healthy.

COVID-Safe tips for business
Healthy Workplaces SA - Communities of Practice event

The Collaborative Partnership for Workplace Health and Wellbeing in South Australia invites everyone who has a role in workplace health and wellbeing to the last Community of Practice event for 2021. This free event can be attended online.

Join us virtually to hear from guest speakers, share ideas, solve problems and explore best practice in creating healthy workplaces.

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Staying up to date with return to work
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