For people who suffer from chronic migraine headaches, an episode can come out of nowhere, derailing one’s best-laid plans or resulting in days of lost productivity. A migraine often involves intense throbbing pain and pressure, sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, blurred vision and more. Despite how debilitating and common the condition is – migraines affect more than a billion people worldwide – many battle through it without a diagnosis and proper treatment.

But pain pills aren’t the only way to treat a migraine. A wide array of prevention and treatment options are now available to migraine sufferers, writes Danielle Wilhour, a neurologist at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Wilhour, who specializes in headache medicine, often points her patients toward complementary medicine options to help ease the frequency and intensity of their migraine episodes, noting that sometimes these alternatives can allow patients to avoid medications and pain treatment altogether.

Also today:

Amanda Mascarelli

Senior Health and Medicine Editor

For some, too much medication might make migraine worse. via Getty Images Plus

Migraine sufferers have treatment choices – a neurologist explains options beyond just pain medication

Danielle Wilhour, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Research suggests that alternative treatments for migraines, including physical therapy, massage and vitamin supplements, can make a difference.

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Reader Comments 💬

    “The thing that makes conspiracy theories so appealing, as the article notes, is the fact that they are great stories, far more interesting than reality. But it isn’t just interest. A good story affects our brains, releasing cortisol, oxytocin, and dopamine. Storytelling is basic to our biology and a key component of our evolution and survival as a species...The only thing that can dislodge an embedded story is a better story.”

    – Reader Mark Cherrington on the story Buying into conspiracy theories can be exciting – that’s what makes them dangerous
