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News Flash - Removal of Prothiofos MRL
22 November 2022
News Flash - Prothiofos MRL removed
Picture of crimson seedless table grapes on the vine

The use of prothiofos on table grapes was removed from the Tokuthion Insecticide SprayTM  label on 13th September 2018. The use was removed from the label due to dietary concerns published in the 25th Australian Total Diet Survey (ATDS). This survey was conducted by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ).

In Australia, there are two standards with maximum residue limits (MRLs):

  • the Food Standards Code (FSC) within FSANZ and
  • the MRL standard within the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

In Victoria, both standards are recognised.

At the time of the change, a phase out of the use patten was granted for a period of 12 months for all existing stock. After October 2019, the MRL for prothiofos in table grapes was removed from the APVMA MRL standard. The FSC MRL for prothiofos in table grapes remained in place until 7th September 2022.

There is now no MRL for prothiofos in table grapes in either of the Australian MRL standards. Any detectable residue of prothiofos in table grapes is now unacceptable. This will mean that table grapes containing prothiofos are defined as contaminated under the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992.

It is an offence to sell or offer to sell contaminated produce i.e., any produce that contains pesticide residues that do not meet the MRLs in the APVMA standard or the FSC.

Agriculture Victoria continues to monitor for pesticide residues (including prothiofos) in table grapes grown in Victoria, as part of the Targeted AgChem Residue Program (TARP). Recent results from this program indicate that some table grape growers may still be using Tokuthion Insecticide SprayTM on their produce. If residues of prothiofos continue to be detected in table grapes then those growers may be the subject of compliance action, including being directed to dispose of their contaminated table grapes.

Any growers wanting to dispose of unwanted chemicals should contact ChemClear or phone 1800 008 182.


Contact Agriculture Victoria Chemical Operations

Visit for information about:

  • rules and regulations on the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in Victoria
  • licence and permit application forms
  • agricultural chemical control areas.

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