“We’re talking to everybody,” said a spokesman for one of South Africa’s smaller political parties as he described the behind-the-scenes hustling that’s taking place in the wake of the African National Congress losing its majority in last week’s elections. The comment could have been made by any number of parties, including the ANC and the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, as well as the Economic Freedom Fighters and the uMkhonto we Sizwe Party. Philippe Burger unpacks the various possible permutations, including coalition possibilities and the ANC going it alone.

South Africa’s election denied the ANC the majority it has held for 30 years and produced shifts in the main opposition groupings. Carin Runciman and Marcel Paret show why the change in voter preferences is not as surprising as some might think: individual voters have been switching between parties for years.

Dolphins are much-loved animals – but not so much in Morocco’s Al Hoceima region. Mohamed Keznine explains that bottlenose dolphins hunt the same fish as fishermen do and sometimes get caught in their nets – a threat to the dolphins and to people’s livelihoods.

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Caroline Southey

Founding Editor

South Africa’s election results present 3 options for government: all are fraught with danger

Philippe Burger, University of the Free State

South Africans need to hold onto their seats. It’s going to be a rocky five years.

South African voters shifted support in 2024 but that’s nothing new – surveys after previous elections showed party loyalty was fluid

Carin Runciman, The University of Edinburgh; Marcel Paret, University of Utah

Racial identities continue to shape voter behaviour in post-apartheid South Africa.

Dolphins vs fishers: both are the losers in the Mediterranean seas off Morocco

Mohamed Keznine, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi

Dolphins are ruining the catch of fishermen off the coast of Morocco and getting injured in the process.

Foreign healthcare volunteers in Africa can harm local relationships – Zambian study

James Wintrup, Chr. Michelsen Institute

Medical volunteering can damage important relationships between health professionals and patients.

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