Thanks to your support this year we’ve matched the donations we received in our May 2022 campaign. With the challenges of the current financial environment this is itself a huge achievement, and we are incredibly grateful to all our donors for their generosity.

But in fact last May’s campaign – our major fundraising effort for the year – brought in tens of thousands of pounds less than we hoped, more than a third below target. So in the last two weeks of our campaign I’d like to aim higher and target what we achieved back in May 2021.

The Conversation’s journalism is free – free to read, and free for other organisations to republish for their readers. By giving our journalism away we help our authors’ expertise to travel even further. Expertise such as this fascinating piece on the environmental and climate impact of our pets. Why Britain’s household recycling system is a mess and what can be done about it. And as we’re used to hearing frequent warnings about the growing proportion of older people in society, we look at ways to be fulfilled in later life.

I’d like to thank you, our readers, for your enduring interest in our authors’ research and knowledge which drives us on. And to thank all of you who have supported us financially through a donation.

In these last two weeks, if you haven’t already please give what you can to support The Conversation – to ensure this unique and valuable source of facts and knowledge remains free.


Jo Adetunji


Are dogs as polluting as private jets? elbud/Shutterstock

How cats and dogs affect the climate – and what you can do about it

Peter Alexander, The University of Edinburgh

The environmental pawprint of pets is huge – and it’s mostly down to what we feed them.

LightField Studios/Shutterstock

The UK’s recycling system is confusing, chaotic and broken – here’s how to fix it

Torik Holmes, University of Manchester; Helen Holmes, University of Manchester; Kristoffer Kortsen, University of Manchester

The UK needs to fix its recycling system for a more sustainable future.

pexels/rdne stock project

Retirement reinvented: how to find fulfilment later in life

Tania Wiseman, Swansea University

Unlocking the full potential of retirement: embracing fun, connections and new experiences.

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