After the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched last year, it sent back incredible images of outer space. Astronomers pored over the data they received, and we’ve since added much more to our knowledge of the universe. But the JWST also sent back information confirming that the universe must be much older than scientists had estimated.

Today in The Conversation Canada, Rajendra Gupta at the University of Ottawa, writes about his hypothesis that would help calculate a more accurate age for the universe, and resolve some of the contradictions revealed by the JWST.

“The new model stretches galaxy formation time 10 to 20 fold over the standard model,” Gupta writes, “giving enough time for the formation of well-evolved ‘impossible’ early galaxies as observed.”

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Nehal El-Hadi

Science + Technology Editor & Co-Host of The Conversation Weekly Podcast

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La Conversation Canada

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