As voting patterns in South Africa’s elections emerge, it’s clear that former president Jacob Zuma’s MK Party is a significant new player in the challenge to the dominance of the African National Congress (ANC). While it may be common for breakaway factions of a ruling party to emerge in a democracy, it’s not often that the new party trades in the same symbols. Corinne Sandwith argues that the MK Party’s decision to use the ANC’s colours, names and liberation slogan “Mayibuye!” is a conscious attempt to position itself as the true inheritor of South Africa’s liberation struggle.

Giraffes, the tallest animals on Earth, have a complicated evolutionary history. Scientists are still figuring out how different giraffe populations are related and how many species there are – which will guide efforts to protect them. Biologist Laura Bertola shares what she learned from giraffe DNA.

Charl Blignaut

Arts, Culture and Society Editor

Mayibuye! The 100-year-old slogan that’s stirred up divisions in South Africa’s elections

Corinne Sandwith, University of Pretoria

Former president Jacob Zuma’s MK Party borrows the slogan “mayibuye” from the liberation party to make a point about the ruling African National Congress.

How many giraffe species are there? Understanding this is key to their protection

Laura Bertola, Leiden University

Giraffes show remarkable genetic differences between populations.

Environment +Energy

Science + Technology

Establishing time-since-death is key in forensic investigations. gorodenkoff

Clothed pig carcasses are revealing the secrets of mummification – South African study provides insights for forensic scientists

Kara Adams, University of Cape Town; Victoria Gibbon, University of Cape Town

Pigs, specifically those weighing around 60kg, are useful in human decomposition studies.


Arts, Culture + Society

iZhenya/iStock/Getty Images Plus

TikTok activism: how queer Zimbabweans use social media to show love and fight hate

Gibson Ncube, Stellenbosch University; Princess Sibanda, University of Fort Hare

These social media posts aren’t just for fun – they’re a way to fight back against discrimination and show the world that queer love is powerful and important.


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