A year ago, in connection with the input phase of strategic planning, I was privileged to engage in conversations with alumnae. They shared what they valued about their experiences at a girl-centred School, including factors they believe the School should be attentive to in the future and things to be addressed immediately. Their reflections and ideas influenced key elements of the strategic plan, and I am grateful for their contributions.
Consolidating the alumnae’s input to the plan, released earlier this week, I was struck by their candid comments about girls and their unique voices. They also shared how being in a single-gender school developed lifelong confidence and leadership skills that have served them well personally and professionally.
Class of 2005: “The way I was raised by my parents and taught at Crofton House was predicated on there being no disadvantage to being female, nor were there any differences in expectations or what I could achieve. This upbringing gave me the confidence to excel in a male-dominated industry and not fear going head to head with even the most strong-headed men.”
Class of 2011: “I think the all-girls environment is a strength and helped me excel academically and in leadership positions. I felt like I could do anything and owe this in large part to the gendered dynamic."
A recent article published by Dr Kevin Stannard, Director of Innovation & Learning, with the Girls’ Day School Trust, explains the many benefits to girls when their school days are with other girls.
“Single-sex education, to be successful, must be more than an organisational device – it needs to be underpinned by a set of principles, and articulated in a set of practices, whereby girls are nurtured, challenged and empowered.” In other words, it is not simply the absence of boys in School that leads to increased academic success, greater confidence, a willingness to stretch in the face of uncertainty, or well-developed leadership skills. Instead, it is the intentionality to achieve these ends in a manner that is girl-centred.
Dr Stannard’s descriptions of an impactful girl-centred learning space align with and reinforce the need for the School to be guided by strategies that “challenge risk-aversion and encourage adventurousness within an affirming environment”. Ultimately, this is the aim of Thriving in Possibility. The actions that come from the strategies that make up the plan “give girls space to develop a strong sense of themselves and their value, and nurture the confidence to make their own choices, free of any sense that the script has been written for them.” A girl-centred education is at the very heart of who we are as a
school and this is reflected in the CHS Identity of our strategic plan: “we believe in the power of girl-centred education, in meaningful relationships as the foundation for personal growth, and in a better future for all through the agency of women.”
I hope you have read the recently released strategic plan. I am proud of where we landed as a community and confident that, with this map to guide our next steps, we will continue to stay on the right path for our students and the School as a whole.

The Addams Family - Tickets Available
What is normal, anyway? In one fateful, hilarious night, secrets are disclosed, relationships are tested, and the Addams family must face up to the one horrible thing they’ve managed to avoid for generations: change.
The Grade 10-12 musical production of The Addams Family takes place daily from Thursday, March 2, 2023, to Saturday, March 4, 2023 in the theatre of the Beadie Fine Arts Centre. This show will not be live streamed, so make sure you come and experience it in person. Purchase tickets.
Parenting Resources Section in My CHS
A new resource hub has been created to provide parents and guardians with valuable information in the areas of Social Emotional Learning & Counselling, Technology and Citizenship. The themes we focus on will be responsive to complex and dynamic topics relevant to our students and families. Content will include articles written by the CHS team highlighting the School’s approach to these areas and a diverse range of resources, which will be carefully curated for families in the support of further conversations at home. You can access this section through the main page in My CHS. We will highlight new additions and articles in subsequent
ECalls. Read the article on rejuvenation in the new year.
Thriving in a Girl-Centred Learning Environment
Dr Kevin Stannard, Director of Innovation and Learning, Girls’ Day School Trust, examines why and how girls thrive in a girl-centred learning environment. In these environments girls are less likely to conform to a priori gender stereotypes; are less constrained in their choice of subjects; show a greater propensity to take risks and innovate; perform better in examinations; have more opportunities to show leadership; and are more successful in the job market. Read article.
Ongoing Sewer Line Repairs
Repairs on the sewer line that are taking place near the Balaclava Street entrance to the campus will continue into next week. The repairs are taking longer than expected due to the discovery of large rocks embedded in the hard-packed clay soil. We hope to have everything back to normal next week. Thank you for your patience and attention to traffic safety while the repair crews are on site.
Celebrating 125 Years
Crofton House School is celebrating 125 years of inspiring, girl-centred education. To mark this significant milestone, the School is planning several special events and initiatives throughout the year for students, parents, alumnae and staff.
To keep the community up-to-date, we have created a section on the school website that will include:
Bookmark this page, we will continue to update it.

The new strategic plan for Crofton House School, Thriving in Possibility, was launched at an event in Manrell Hall this week. Parents, staff, and alumnae gathered to hear from Carolyn Kirkwood, Chair, Board of Governors, and Ena Harrop, Head of School, as they outlined the exciting new commitments and strategies that will guide the School to 2030 and beyond.

Families from across the Crofton House community gathered in Richmond for a celebration of Lunar New Year. The room was filled with happiness as people came together to celebrate the new lunar year and the possibilities that lie in store. A celebration video and recording of the speeches are available for viewing, along with photo galleries form the
event and photobooth.

Last week, a magical visit from Elsa had Junior Kindergarten students completely spellbound. Add in some story time and a sing-along to “Let It Go” with Arendelle royalty and you have a perfect Friday afternoon.

In preparation for writing to their new alumnae pen pals, Grade 1 students were learning about CHS Alumnae and looking back at school photos from previous decades.

The Grade 4/5 Basketball Lunch League Final between The Pickles and The Sad People drew a big crowd and had everyone on the edge of their seats. In the end, The Pickles came out on top in a tight game and claimed the trophy.

This Grade 6 class discovered that you can connect a whole host of things to an electric circuit…including staff and students! No one was harmed in the making of this photo, but they did discover that closing the circuit (via high-five) made musical notes!

Thank you to everyone who supported the Jump Rope for Heart events in the Junior School this year. Over two sessions, Grade 1 to 7 students hopped, skipped and jumped in every conceivable combination and direction, raising over $3,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada in the process. View photos on Vidigami.

It isn’t often you get to solve Jenga towers and riddles in an English classroom, but these Grade 9 students did just that. The challenges were set as a way to explore group dynamics and how to overcome challenges, drawing parallels to the novel Lord of The Flies, which they are currently studying.

Grade 11 students spent four days at the Cheakamus Centre in Squamish recently. During the trip, students had a fully immersed Indigenous Education program, experiencing Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw traditional teachings and reinforcing the importance of having a strong connection with the natural world around them.

In celebration of National Girls and Women in Sports Day, Crofton House staff and Senior School students wore their favourite sports jerseys to class.

Senior School students who have received awards in Math contests this year were recognized during assembly this week.

The theatre in the Beedie Fine Arts Centre was full of music last week as bands from Grades 6 to 12 performed a vibrant selection of pieces for friends and family.

Junior School Athletics
The Grade 5 basketball team hosted a mini-playday totalling 8 teams from CHS and other schools this past week. It brought lots of opportunities to play against new competition! The team is now preparing for the ISEA Playday hosted at Mulgrave on Tuesday, February 14.
The Grade 6 Basketball team has had continuous action each week. Their ability to score, pass the ball to open players, and run set plays has improved dramatically over the course of the season! They are now closing in on ISEA Playday on Wednesday, February 15 at the Richmond Olympic Oval.
Energy and participation have been high with over 30 players in both Grade 5 and 6 basketball teams respectively.
Both the 7A and 7B teams have been busy preparing for the final regular games of the season. 7A and 7B teams attended WPGA this past Wednesday. Both teams know how important these league games are, as it will determine their standing in the draw for the ISEA Tournament.
Meanwhile, on campus, a dedicated group of fitness enthusiasts are hard at work on Tuesday and Friday mornings to complete the JS Fitness Challenge.
Senior School Athletics
Our Junior and Senior basketball teams are currently competing in the Lower Mainland League playoffs, and will move on to the Sea to Sky Zone Championships next week!
While our Bantam basketball team will be competing in the Lower Mainland playoffs next week at St. Patrick's School.
The campus has also been busy with SS students taking part in the first-ever in-house Crofton Falcon Badminton Intramural Challenge last week. With a great turnout of 72 students who signed up to play at lunch over the course of four days. Congratulations to winners Elisabeth, Grade 12, and Renee, Grade 11!
Go Falcons Go! |