As the international footballing extravaganza Euro 2024 gets ready to kick off in Germany tomorrow, you may be surprised to learn that the European game has a “vocational crisis” on its hands. Grassroots football across the continent is struggling to attract and retain enough referees to support the ever-expanding men’s and women’s games – because of the appalling levels of verbal and physical abuse that referees face from players, spectators and coaches.

In our latest Insights long read, amateur referees describe the appalling abuse they routinely experience during and after matches. This includes child referees as young as 13 being shouted at and threatened by adult spectators and coaches. Our authors from Coventry University have been tracking levels of referee abuse throughout the world for the past two decades, and their latest survey suggests abuse of officials is now endemic at all levels. Around half the referees contacted said they are considering quitting the “beautiful game”.

Last night was the latest UK TV election special, with the two main party leaders grilled by Sky News’s Beth Rigby and members of a studio audience. Here we look at what experts have to say about some of the key questions Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer were asked.

Another major sporting event this summer, the Paris Olympics, could become a super-spreader event for dengue fever as more than 10 million athletes, spectators, officials and tourists descend on the French capital. And if you‘re think you’re good at spotting lies, you might want to think again. This piece explains why.

A commitment to truth, evidence and facts is central to everything we do at The Conversation. Please help us to do this even better, if you can, by donating to our campaign. We really appreciate your support.

Mike Herd

Investigations Editor, Insights

Referee Michael Oliver (in blue) is abused by Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon during a 2018 Champions League tie. Afterwards, Oliver and his wife were sent abusive emails and texts, including death threats. Cristiano Barni/Shutterstock

Football’s referee crisis: we asked thousands of refs about the abuse and violence that’s driving them out of the game

Tom Webb, Coventry University; Harjit Sekhon, Coventry University

As Euro 2024 kicks off, the governing body of European football is urgently trying to recruit thousands of new grassroots officials. Is football really in danger of running out of referees?

PA/Alamy Stefan Rousseau

Sunak and Starmer grilled in election interviews – four key issues assessed by experts

Laura Hood, The Conversation

The two party leaders were asked about child benefit, dentists, immigration and affordable housing.

Hemis / Alamy Stock Photo

How the Paris Olympics could become a super-spreader event for dengue

Mark Booth, Newcastle University

France is ready for the Olympics. It also needs to be ready for this virus.


Why we’re so bad at spotting lies – most of us only perform slightly better than chance

Geoff Beattie, Edge Hill University

Good liars can easily bypass classic lie detection stereotypes.

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