The dead civet was a mystery. How did a Vietnamese mammal that mainly ate earthworms succumb to bird flu? Diana Bell, a biologist who studies emerging infectious diseases, pondered in 2005 whether this discovery meant the H5N1 strain of avian influenza posed a bigger threat to the world’s wildlife than previously imagined. Nearly two decades later, her worst fears have all but come true.

Bird flu is decimating wildlife populations from the high Arctic to the Antarctic mainland, afflicting species already on the brink like polar bears. To halt this hidden pandemic, Bell urges radical reform to poultry farming worldwide, including an end to megafarms that contain up to a million birds. Without action on these viral incubators, Bell warns H5N1 may mutate and become even more infectious – to both humans and other species.

What were birds up to while their dinosaur relatives ruled the Earth? Palaeontologist Abi Crane invites you on a bird watching tour of the prehistoric world. Expect six-foot tall penguin-like creatures with sharp teeth and claws – and even some species that wouldn’t look out of place today. Elsewhere, after the US and several other countries evacuated their embassy staff in the country, we learn why Haiti has become hostage to criminal gangs.

Jack Marley

Environment + Energy Editor

Sea lions killed by bird flu in Chile, April 2023. Patricio Banda/EPA-EFE

The next pandemic? It’s already here for Earth’s wildlife

Diana Bell, University of East Anglia

Bird flu is decimating species already threatened by climate change and habitat loss.

Archaeopteryx and Hesperornis should be on the lists of any dino bird watcher.

A brief guide to birdwatching in the age of dinosaurs

Abi Crane, University of Southampton

If you love learning about dinosaurs don’t let crowdpleasers like the T Rex distract you from the fascinating birdlife that once roamed the Earth.

Johnson Sabin / EPA

How Haiti became a failed state

Nicolas Forsans, University of Essex

Haiti is facing a wave of chaos as gang violence grips the country.

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